White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

keep us updated on your dog dude. mine had the same sergury and shes doing great now. she didnt have the drain tubes though, thats gnarly. kind of looks like she needs the cast back on.
HE is doing great. got the tubes out of his leg and is mobbin around on 3 legs like a champ. He gets his stiches out in a few days and his holes from the tube should be closed up by then.

Odie(ODB, ol' dirty bastard is his full name)

Yeah dude, plants like music but its more like their roots like the vibrations music brings them. It invigorates plants growth :mrgreen: If you have a drum or like a group of friends to come over and dance around your garden, your girls may really enjoy it :grin:
Haha thanks weedozie but I'm not really worried about it, they are almost done anyways. maybe next year I can get a drum circle with all the homies going on around them while they are vegging to get them really pumped! lol.

I just play out there so my neighbors(who there is like 20 of in one house and half of them are tweakers) will hear me in the garden a lot more than if I wasn't making noise, especially since my dog isn't out there barking like usual.

Anyways on the other side of my fence is the freeway so the roots have gotten plenty of vibrations this year ;). I figured drums would be more effective but if playing music with the radio works than some acoustic guitar chords and fingerpicking should do at least as much as the radio. Plus I'm stuck at home and would rather practice outside then inside.

Besides my girls seem happy enough as it is :leaf::leaf:
Here's a cool example of how much difference a month can make during budding!

Each shot is roughly a week apart






A whole plant shot of the Jack, gonna mist it with water this morning and probably harvest tomorrow. getting excited!

just out of curiosity what did you use for nutes and what soil did you use?

I didn't use much, spent about $150 at the begging of the year. the fence cost like $250 so that was the most expensive part so far. ;)

I roto-tilled the clay hardpan soil I had out there and added these amendments:

6 bags of bumper crop

1 big bag of sure start organic slow release fert.

1 big bag worm gold plus castings

half a box of nitrogen bat guano I had laying around.

and a couple bags of compost from home depot

For liquid nutes I fed everything at half strength since there is so much in the soil and also just because I think a lot of people use way too many nutrients. I know this old man that grows the DANKEST weed with just his left over pulp from juicing vegtables and egg shells and water. thats all he puts in his garden and it's FIRE.

I sprayed the plants everyday with water during veg to toughen them up and make them be able to support their own wet weight and then fed these nutrients once or twice a week:

age old kelp and alaska fish emulsion both poured directly on the plants for veg (helps keeps mites away and makes the plants a beautiful forest green too)

and for flowering all I used was 2 small bottles of age old bloom, 2 bottles of molasses and more kelp. they haven't gotten any nutrients(including molasses because I ran out) in well over 2 weeks and are still beautiful and not yellowing.





after I found that plant knocked over I tied it up with a stake and it got even windier. then my camera died as my plants started getting sideways. I hope this shit calms down!


The purple kush/skunk#1 was laying on the ground cause the small pot could support it in this weather. I had to ghetto rig a little spot for it to stay!

Hectic wind, kinda reminds me of what I have been getting over here. The plants do looks great swaying in the wind though.

Glad your doggy, ODB is on the mend. Positive vibes for some peaceful weather.

i liked how you laughed at it haha .. looked so sad!! well the crop is looking mighty fine, man.. glad you waited the extra time past the 1st for that JH. man, i have to get a video made up of all the short vids i took of the pouring rain, raging streams, and strong ass winds.. all my plants were laying down, at 8-12 feet tall... they stood back up as soon as the hurricane was over. BEASTS! peace to odie man. hope hes doing well.
the wind might actually be good for them in a way who knows. i heard shaking them and stressing them in the last few days kinda makes them do somthing
The wind is far worse than you can tell in the video, every time I try to film it dies down. I should just film all day. lol most my plants are leaning over now and starting to break. hopefully this shit dies down soon, haven't lost anything yet. A couple more on my side garden fell over so I put the pots next to each other and watered real good to hold them down.
this wind right now is killin' me and its supposed to have light showers and wind for the next 2 days
how much longer you planning on letting them go, they look perfect right now, the thc my degrade if u let it go too long. the jack herer looks so perfect. i'd take the wind as a sign and start chopping.
nice grow man its taken a wile 2 read the hole thing and catch up but better late then never..sorry 2 here about ur dog man i have 2 dog 1 the mother and her pup and 1 day they turned on each other and the pup fuked her mother up really bad..so bad i thought she was dead but she just had here eye taken out but still they are like family and its good 2 here that its getting better..
sweet dreads man i have just recently got my dreads but ther still small and shitty i was just wondering how long you have had yours
+rep man..peace
Wind died down slightly, now the forcast calls for wind all night and scattered showers the next 2 days after telling me it was gonna be in the 90s. damn weathermen.

Plants are looking all helter skelter from getting blasted all day


Stalk Surgery
