White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

havent been on n a while.. sorry to hear about your canopy mishap. the rain does suck man.. i occasionally check the weather where other RIUers are located at, and i saw you had a lot of rain and cold temps in your forecast. its been like 70 here, but alas rather humid. it rained today lightly... but it's supposed to be sunny through nov 1st temps moving from near 70 to near 50. perfect for me to harvest my last plants [SLH] in a dry state, which have developed nicely. the buds were like them fat ass wiffle ball bats from back in the day man. as long as an arm and fat as a football. congrats!

ps i believe in post 404, that last picture of you n RIU has me on the screen haha! :)
Don't feel like the lone ranger, I got beat up by the rain too! It knocked down my 3 portable carports I had most of the garden hanging in. I found alot of bud swimming in knee deep water, and some that got in the mud as well. The wet stuff just got shaken well and hung back up in the garage, and I took the muddy ones and sprayed them off with a water hose and rehung them as well.
Congrats on the grow, you did a hell of a job!
Glad to hear your pup is doing good.
Well, my life feels like shit right now. was at a concert in SF high as fuck on acid and somehow met the singer of the band emarosa and ended up on a crazy drug mission with him to get heroin. missed the whole band I went to see (bring me the horizon) because I was sitting in a tour bus shooting up with some famous dude. its lame cause I was just telling my friends earlier that night that it had been 2 weeks since I last shot up and then when they came in the tour bus they opened the door to dude standing over me tying a belt on and me holding a syringe. it sucks cause my freinds girlfriend started crying right when she saw me like that and it was her first time on acid too so I felt hella bad.

Then when I get home to Redding I find out my friend Geronimo that helped trim for me died in SF of a heroin overdose. the same day I was in SF doing it. and it breaks my heart cause less than 2 weeks ago he was sitting in my house begging me not to shoot up cause it has destroyed his life and now he is dead from it. his girlfriend sarah who I've known for 15 years keeps texting me telling me that he is showing me what will happen if I continue doing what I'm doing. It sucks cause I don't wanna do it anymore anyways and it was just a one time slip-up cause I wanted to be cool in front of some famous dude. and now my freinds think I need help or something. it's not fair that I am getting all this attention now cause HE died. I don't want to dissapoint anyone.

Fuck, I know this has nothing to do with my grow but I just needed to vent somewhere. sorry..

RIP Geronimo, I will try to remember what you told me...



update edit: I still have the sativa phenotype purple elephant up and a satori-lavender that is turning super purple. they are probably getting molded but I don't really care right now and will just cut that out. looks like it will be the dankest of the bunch. will try to get some pics this evening to cheer the thread back up. sorry if I'm being a bummer right now.
snort that shit man! but na you sounded like you were on a good track, and for your sake, all your friends and family sake, and four our sake!!... please try and stay the fuck off that shit man~ smoke buds .. good luck i hope you feel better man, stay up
seems my home is a revolving door for breaking people of those habits. strict program, but successful. Good luck. My first fiance died of an OD of heroin. It was possibly one of the most crucial and definitely one of the most influential experiences of my life. I hope you learn from this experience, and bring yourself up from it. I hope you can hear the same message in this song, as I did, as it helped my cope, and then gave me hope to move on, and to make my ammends.

Sorry man I know the devil well, and he will play with you and play with you
until one day He gets you just where he wants u....... In complete misery thrue the pursuit of
happyness, fukin devil
don't let him in cuz it's soooooooooo hard to get him out

Very sorry for ya loss
man sorRy to hear
On a lighter note here is some updated pics. wasn't able to get any shots of the satori/lavender that turned super purple while it was still up because it started raining again and I had to take them down in a hurry last night. got some pics of it hanging with the sativa pheno satori/purple elephant though and will take some dry bud shots of the purp when it's done so you can get a good look at it.

Here's some pics of the little tiny buds left in the garden cause I don't have any more room to hang and some pics of buds hanging and a few dry bud shots. also got a pic of the bubble I made from the trim I had from the first few pounds. got and ounce and a half of hash and left the trim at my friends house and she ran it through 2 more times and got 15 grams herself! it smelled like grape bubble tape when we were making it and tastes awesome!




Duuude I know what it's like to be an addict. I was a crack head fror 15 years, and finally got clean about 6 years ago. I also have pain issues, that have lead to a current pain pill addiction. If you need someone to talk to( I was a councilor at rehab after I got clean) just pm me, and we'll talk, that is IF you want.
Well, my life feels like shit right now. was at a concert in SF high as fuck on acid and somehow met the singer of the band emarosa and ended up on a crazy drug mission with him to get heroin. missed the whole band I went to see (bring me the horizon) because I was sitting in a tour bus shooting up with some famous dude. its lame cause I was just telling my friends earlier that night that it had been 2 weeks since I last shot up and then when they came in the tour bus they opened the door to dude standing over me tying a belt on and me holding a syringe. it sucks cause my freinds girlfriend started crying right when she saw me like that and it was her first time on acid too so I felt hella bad.

Then when I get home to Redding I find out my friend Geronimo that helped trim for me died in SF of a heroin overdose. the same day I was in SF doing it. and it breaks my heart cause less than 2 weeks ago he was sitting in my house begging me not to shoot up cause it has destroyed his life and now he is dead from it. his girlfriend sarah who I've known for 15 years keeps texting me telling me that he is showing me what will happen if I continue doing what I'm doing. It sucks cause I don't wanna do it anymore anyways and it was just a one time slip-up cause I wanted to be cool in front of some famous dude. and now my freinds think I need help or something. it's not fair that I am getting all this attention now cause HE died. I don't want to dissapoint anyone.

Fuck, I know this has nothing to do with my grow but I just needed to vent somewhere. sorry..

RIP Geronimo, I will try to remember what you told me...



update edit: I still have the sativa phenotype purple elephant up and a satori-lavender that is turning super purple. they are probably getting molded but I don't really care right now and will just cut that out. looks like it will be the dankest of the bunch. will try to get some pics this evening to cheer the thread back up. sorry if I'm being a bummer right now.
On the upside, the new post looks awesome!! You did such a great job all the way.
You know you can slide those branches a little closer together once they've dried some, and make room for more. I'm sure you know that, but that's the only thing I see that would help you. Again great job, and would love to put some smoke in the air with ya someday! I'm only a few hours drive away.
What kind of "PROGRAM" do you have going?? YoU CAN PM me with the info if you want. I know alot of people that need help. My wife anD I have always wanted to open our home to people that need help, but we havn't had the right place yet.
seems my home is a revolving door for breaking people of those habits. strict program, but successful. Good luck. My first fiance died of an OD of heroin. It was possibly one of the most crucial and definitely one of the most influential experiences of my life. I hope you learn from this experience, and bring yourself up from it. I hope you can hear the same message in this song, as I did, as it helped my cope, and then gave me hope to move on, and to make my ammends.

Nice come-back update. Life throws us HUGE warning signs sometimes ODB, and I hope you picked up on yours. You seem like you're intelligent enough to know what to do and I hope I'm right for OD's sake ;-). Think about all of us, too. We're just RIU'ers but at the same time we watch everything and respect you in this community. Try to stay up there and please don't become reading material for DARE classes. Stay up ODB. -Howzer
Will post pictures tomorrow.

I was in SF I missed my homies wake cause I couldnt get down there till the next day but I was in the mission district when the riot/celebration for the world series happended. I ate an 1/8 of mushrooms and 2 e pills before this crazyness happened. thats my kinda crazy friend beating the sign with a skateboard and you can see me standing there frying wondering what the hell is going on. the guy with a orange shirt on his head that runs up and starts punching the driver who ran over the crowd of people is my friend jade. it was nuts. everyone got up ontop of a muni bus and when jade jumped from it to a worktruck full of drunk fans in the wrong lane they crashed into a minivan. noone got hurt but man, shit felt like the end of the world or something. mission district aint no joke. Im not from the city and I dont even like mushrooms really but that shit just was so much mayhem it was pretty fun. a nurse walking around in scrubs left his work cause of the game and was giving people shots of $200 bourben and everybody was out partying. Frisco put it down on monday.


When I'm not so friggin' tired! Just was able to get a pic of my main rubbermaid full of product thats about done curing. thats almost 7 P's in there and the jars are most of my personal. the paper bags have some of the side garden plants that were super dank but airy and leafy so I'm using it as joint/blunt weed since it tastes the same ass the good nug satori when I roll it up.

Finally finished trimming everything. some buds just got cut down and trimmed today with a nice purple color. Pretty stoked cause some of the first plants were a little premie and now when it's all mixed together the pounds like pretty good. yielded about 10 pounds total. would of been a lot better if my plants were spaced further apart but then I would of probably had worse mold problems so it all evens out.

Got enough trim to do another bubble hash run just as good if not better because it is almost half airy bud and moldy cola's. should get at least an O hopefully and O and a half like last time yielded. Also gonna take a few ounces of that and make some strong butter tomorrow to make some cupcakes/cookies with my freind who helped me trim that wants to learn how to make pot food so she can cook her brother a weed cake for his Bday this weekend.

Will get some more/better pics up tomorrow..

wonder how long u will last do you do indoor also??? lmao congrats and that world series was crazy as soon as they won i was like ohh dam shits finna pop off haha