white people using the "N-WORD"?

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Maybe i'm in the minority here, but I prefer not to use words that offend people...
I don't call overweight people "fat"
dump people "stupid"
etc, etc.
Just seems like if you wanted to piss somebody off there are better more intellectual ways to do so.
Low hanging fruit to simply call someone a generic racist term, if it's to the point where i'm angry enough to start the verbal jabs i'll go somewhere a lil more personal... Give it some flare...

That being said, I've found assholes of every color, shade, sexual preference, shape, creed, and size.
I'm an equal opportunity lover/hater.
Wooo first black guy to post here.....I think. Anyway I don't really give a fuck. I mean find a new word damn that shits old. It's really just context. What you are saying, I don't really care about the individual words.
Bud I don't give a fuck about nothing said online but somehow I don't believe a word of that bs. You sound like the Penn State type of guy not the state pen kinda guy. Are you phony, because I'll be honest with you I have more respect for a real nigger than a phony white guy any day. Now seriously there's no point in fighting online so let's just make amends. Sorry I know I need to light up lol
It's nigga, Try being less racist.
Maybe i'm in the minority here, but I prefer not to use words that offend people...
I don't call overweight people "fat"
dump people "stupid"
etc, etc.
Just seems like if you wanted to piss somebody off there are better more intellectual ways to do so.
Low hanging fruit to simply call someone a generic racist term, if it's to the point where i'm angry enough to start the verbal jabs i'll go somewhere a lil more personal... Give it some flare...

That being said, I've found assholes of every color, shade, sexual preference, shape, creed, and size.
I'm an equal opportunity lover/hater.
Best reply here
Daddy always said , "don't pull a gun out unless you plan on killing muthafuckas".

I don't own a gun.

Do you guys know how many people I've imagined killing? A lot, I was always shooting gangsters that weren't there. I've been a gang leader , a soldier , a drug dealer, a hitman ,a professional fighter and a person saving people from all of those things. My imagination is second to none..I truly believe at some point, I am going to have to perform emergency surgery using the guidance of YouTube and different websites to save someone's life. I've been mentality preparing myself since I was 7.
Oh, I thought you were talking about naggers. Loved that episode.
Yea that shit was hilarious
I'm white. I say it. Some black people have been offended. Some called me their albino nigga.

It's about context people, use it as a term of indearment to one of your friends, no big deal. Using it as a derogatory slang for someone acting stupid or "rachet", then it becomes offensive.
It's weird because I do use it towards my homies and shit. But I'll also use it when I'm in a fight but neither way is it ment in any sort of racist fashion
lol at the OP for his euphemism, man why you bringing this up its the most divisive subject I know, white people calling blacks nigger is almost as stupid as black people calling blacks nigger
I brought it up because I want to see how many intelligent open minded excepting people are on this site and how much of them are racist bigots. How they respond will give me my answer
I don't think about it and am a bit mystified why you would. Blacks don't like it so I don't use it, end of story. Now polacks are a different kettle of fish
What do you mean blacks don't like it? I have ALOT of black friends that see no problem with someone of a diffrent color speaking the way they do. Because we don't talk the way we do because the color of out skin. We talk the way we do because of the culture we grew up in.
You might get the impression that I'm racist but I'm not, nigger is just a word look at the conflict that a fucking word can create, I'm not the only crazy person in this world lol
It is a touchy subject. A complicated one. I lived for a while in what people call the ghetto. In that time I made black, white, and Hispanic friends.

I have seen people use racial epithet with each other and it not be a problem and other times cause a fight.
Words are made up by people there for people can give them what ever meaning they want it is not a racist word in the way 90%(not an actual statistic) people use it
You met your black neighbor for the first time, in jail? That's awesome.
If that sounded bad, I didn't mean it to.

He lived a block or so away.

He was a stranger and had my back. I would glady have his any time.
Daddy always said , "don't pull a gun out unless you plan on killing muthafuckas".

I don't own a gun.

Do you guys know how many people I've imagined killing? A lot, I was always shooting gangsters that weren't there. I've been a gang leader , a soldier , a drug dealer, a hitman ,a professional fighter and a person saving people from all of those things. My imagination is second to none..I truly believe at some point, I am going to have to perform emergency surgery using the guidance of YouTube and different websites to save someone's life. I've been mentality preparing myself since I was 7.

Must be my brother from another mother.

I enter a room and with in seconds, I know the exit and every weapon laying around. Stick, rock, whatever.

I had a dude slam me to the ground and beat by head into the pavement. I barely won that fight.

I won't lie. That 280 pound dude beating my brains into the pavement scared the shit out of me. I was blacking out I knew if I didn't get loose I was had.

The fear saved me.

I always look. Lol.
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I can't speak for black people because I'm not black, but even if I was, I still wouldn't be able to speak for the whole race. We can't take one persons feelings as the opinion of the entire race. There might be some people that do not get offended and others that do. I think it's pretty simple, if you have to question if you should/can use the word or not then the answer is a big fat NO.
I'm not asking if I should or can. I just want to see others views on the topic. I find the ignorance that comes with the subject is comical
If you were in the pen with a big nig named bubba I'm pretty sure you'd be keeping your mouth shut even if you wanted to say something. I gotta be honest with you most black guys I've met if they get pissed it becomes your problem real quick. You have freedom of speech but everybody has free will too and there will most likely be consequences for calling a big black dude a nigger, definitely not suggested unless you're a crazy redneck like me who just doesn't give a fuck, I've called a black guy a nigger to his face and not in a good way, but he was a bitch nigger and backed down but I know most niggers got serious balls so in most cases it would be wise not to exercise your freedom of speech and just keep quite.
I've been around plenty of black dudes. I never change how I speak. Well unless I'm in the room with my great grandparents. Out of respect I don't say nigga around other people that don't use the word. Just like I don't curse when I'm around some people out of respect. But I'll fight for my freedoms to be me
Somehow I don't relieve a word you just said. You also sound racist.

I've made some statements about when I lived in the ghetto that made it seem like I thought it was a bad place or I disliked people that lived there.

Yes, there were a lot of gangs. For the most part, there were good people there.

Like I said, a few of us hung out. In our conversations the words nigga, wetback, and cracker were used. That was amongst us and OK in our private conversations.

I don't condone use of such words. It is about context.

Sorry, once again, you seem the type that would piss your pants if ten black dudes walked up to you.
See there is a diffrent between nigga wetback and craka. Nigga is uses in large by the community as a non hateful word. I have never heard craka and wetback used unless making a racist joke or being racist.
Oh no I'm racist who gives a flying fuck. And I'm pretty sure any white dude would piss there pants if ten black guys came up to them looking hard,
Yea thanks for revealing yourself to me. IL avoid convo with you in the future. Can't convo with such ignorance
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