white people are so stupid: part II

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why would i be proud of the arbitrary skin color and geographic location of my parents and their parents? i had nothing to do with it. i take pride in my accomplishments, and not being as stupid as you are.

you are making white people look so goddamn stupid, and it hurts me.
Obviously you're just a little screwy in the head if you're not proud of your ancestors but you never answered my second question it seems what you're implying is its alright to be a racist as long as you're a minority
Obviously you're just a little screwy in the head if you're not proud of your ancestors

woah there, bolillo. that's not what you said.

you said you were proud of your "european ancestry", not your ancestors themselves.

that's a sentiment shared by white power and white supremacy groups. stop trying to backtrack your original statement to something less white power-y.

but you never answered my second question it seems what you're implying is its alright to be a racist as long as you're a minority

when did i say it's alright to be racist if you're a minority, paleface?
I don't give a flying fuck I was not even planning on reporting him I just wanted to tell him how ignorant he was for saying something like white people are so stupid I would not have even had a problem with the post if he had picked a less offensive title anybody who disagrees with him he calls them a racist LMFAO
I don't give a flying fuck I was not even planning on reporting him I just wanted to tell him how ignorant he was for saying something like white people are so stupid I would not have even had a problem with the post if he had picked a less offensive title anybody who disagrees with him he calls them a racist LMFAO

that's not true, i am having active disagreements with @Bugeye on multiple issues right now, but i have not heard him make the same claims that you (and white supremacists do) about being "proud of his european ancestry" and posting links to white power blogs.

take responsibility for your words and actions, pillsbury.
that's not true, i am having active disagreements with @Bugeye on multiple issues right now, but i have not heard him make the same claims that you (and white supremacists do) about being "proud of his european ancestry" and posting links to white power blogs.

take responsibility for your words and actions, pillsbury.
Like I said before just keep on with the racial slurs you're just proving my point that you are the biggest racist on here even if that article was from a white supremacist website it still proved my point that minority's can be just as racist as whites and there is nothing wrong with saying you're proud of you're european ancestry there is nothing racist about it what's racist is referring to somebody as pilsbury and paleface catch my drift shitskin doesn't feel to good does it so go on with your racist attitudes this will be my last post
Like I said before just keep on with the racial slurs you're just proving my point that you are the biggest racist on here even if that article was from a white supremacist website it still proved my point that minority's can be just as racist as whites and there is nothing wrong with saying you're proud of you're european ancestry there is nothing racist about it what's racist is referring to somebody as pilsbury and paleface catch my drift shitskin doesn't feel to good does it so go on with your racist attitudes this will be my last post
He's just trolling you buddy let him roll on with his ignorance it's bliss. He is just trying to receive his honorary race card.. It's all he's got just give it to him
He's just trolling you buddy let him roll on with his ignorance it's bliss. He is just trying to receive his honorary race card.. It's all he's got just give it to him
I agree one ignorant biggot is not worth it I am really suprised the mods are not allowed to ban him after all name calling is against the rules but according to deadgro he has immunity wonder what makes him so special?
you are the biggest racist on here even if that article was from a white supremacist website

oh holy shit you are making us whites look stupid.

"sure i posted some stuff from a white supremacy website to support my point, but YOU are the racist!"

mind numbingly stupid.

there is nothing wrong with saying you're proud of you're european ancestry there is nothing racist about it

why do white supremacy groups frequently talk of their pride in their european ancestry then?

s it just coincidence that you are using the same rhetoric as white supremacy groups, and using articles from white supremacy websites to support your points?
this will be my last post
I agree one ignorant biggot is not worth it I am really suprised the mods are not allowed to ban him after all name calling is against the rules but according to deadgro he has immunity wonder what makes him so special?
Oh my god I am laughing so hard right now my chest hurts this contradicts his earlier post and proves uncle buck calls everyone a racist!

you done yet, white power guy?
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