white people are ruining porn


Well-Known Member
I am petite. And half Ginga/ daywalker. If I had sex with a man, black or rainbow, that had a big 'ol monster porn dick - My face would look like this the whole time:
View attachment 3204636

7 days would be how long it would take me to be able to walk the "bow-leggedness" out...

No thank you.

So - not all - just some, can take a big ol monster cock like a champ. Good on them!
wats too big for u.... just outta curiosity


Well-Known Member
wats too big for u.... just outta curiosity
Well before we had sex...when I whipped out the 'ol measuring tape.....bahahahahaha

I don't know - that dude was too big. hahaha - I don't measure. If I had one of my very own, for keeps - I'd know for sure.

Fuck - there goes that fucking penis envy again. I gotta go stab a dude. Shit. I mean I have to go...knit something....yeah...


Well-Known Member
Well before we had sex...when I whipped out the 'ol measuring tape.....bahahahahaha

I don't know - that dude was too big. hahaha - I don't measure. If I had one of my very own, for keeps - I'd know for sure.

Fuck - there goes that fucking penis envy again. I gotta go stab a dude. Shit. I mean I have to go...knit something....yeah...
lol ur a cool ass chick.......


Well-Known Member
how bout some good old amputee porn
Woah - that's a REAL thing? I thought it was just Raffi being funny on "The League".


Do people fuck the stumps? Would someone ever amputate just to "cross-over" into that genre of pornography? It's VERY specific. They must make a lotta $$$.



Well-Known Member
I am petite. And half Ginga/ daywalker. If I had sex with a man, black or rainbow, that had a big 'ol monster porn dick - My face would look like this the whole time:
View attachment 3204636

7 days would be how long it would take me to be able to walk the "bow-leggedness" out...

No thank you.

So - not all - just some, can take a big ol monster cock like a champ. Good on them!
They all train and learn how to take it. It's an acquired taste :fire:


Well-Known Member
I always wanted to write a ZOMBIE porn. I did actually! Well, part of one. Not really a porn movie, it was gonna be a porno-graphic novel.

Called: The Zombie Acockalypse.

I wrote 3 chapters. Then I stopped being celibate - and never wrote anymore. hahahaha

Oh angst - you're good for stuff sometimes...

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Starts with pictures like this where an asian chick eats a strange piece of meat that looks like an odd vagina:

Next thing you know you're looking at something like this:

And then you have an epiphany - "Why the fuck did I post in this thread. Now google is going to index this page with my name in it and I'll be associated with some disturbing shit I wish I didn't read"


Well-Known Member
They all train and learn how to take it. It's an acquired taste :fire:
bahahahahaha - PORN star/ Nijna training camp. I picture hot ass women, with fake boobies, wearing black masks, long pants - NO shirt. Running around in a forest all "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

OMG - I want to go to that summer camp. Porn Star Ninja? The BEST kind of Ninja. Except maybe THIS kind:


Well-Known Member
Im just gonna throw this out there about the amputee porn but a double amputee chick from like knee down would be......awesome..I mean you go cowgirl to reverse in no time.. strait into doggie she would be much lighter in weight..perfect size at all times for blow jobs.. and wait for it.... you could spin her on your dick wheeeee and you would always know if it was her walking around in the house thump thump thump....I know what I want for Christmas
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The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Woah - that's a REAL thing? I thought it was just Raffi being funny on "The League".


Do people fuck the stumps? Would someone ever amputate just to "cross-over" into that genre of pornography? It's VERY specific. They must make a lotta $$$.

My father told me the best sex he ever had was with a one legged woman. Something about positional play. - Denny Crane (Boston Legal)