White on leaves.... Help

Having trouble identifying what kind of issue I'm having. Noticed this starting after its last feed so last watering was just plain RO water but it seems to have worsened. The plant is on day 20 of flower.. Please help.



Well-Known Member
have you checked for bugs?

check underneath each leave see if there is any tiny little bugs running about


Well-Known Member
Having trouble identifying what kind of issue I'm having. Noticed this starting after its last feed so last watering was just plain RO water but it seems to have worsened. The plant is on day 20 of flower.. Please help.
Are you getting plenty of runoff when you water? What kind of nutes are you using, and how much? Are you inside or out?
Could be bugs.... Although it was sprayed with down with neem a week ago. That was the plants third and last neem spray that I had planned. I will inspect thoroughly for bugs.

Are you getting plenty of runoff when you water? What kind of nutes are you using, and how much? Are you inside or out?
Yes, plenty of runoff. Using jacks classic for nutes right now at about 1/8-1/4 tsp/gal every other watering. Started nutes after three weeks of veg since I started in FFOF soil. This particular plant is outdoor. I have other plants inside that are all fine so I'm thinking bugs might be it... Not sure.
Well after a close inspection it is definitely some sort of bug. Here is a pic of the underside of some leaves. Any help on how to manage this situation would be greatly appreciated. I have neem oil on hand but am on day 20 of flower so am unsure if spraying again will be a good idea.



Well-Known Member
Well after a close inspection it is definitely some sort of bug. Here is a pic of the underside of some leaves. Any help on how to manage this situation would be greatly appreciated. I have neem oil on hand but am on day 20 of flower so am unsure if spraying again will be a good idea.

Mix up a batch, remember to use Dawn or another environmentaly safe soap as the emulsifier so it won't harm your plant, I have some that's totally organic and it works well with the neem but sucks big ones at washing dishes...lol...and water your baby once a week until you flush, neem works from the inside of the plant so the leaf munchers might take a bite but after that will leave it alone...water once a week from bean until you flower and there will be enuff residual effect left to carry through flower and you won't have this prob next time...good luck