White mold? Nute burn?


Active Member
Not sure what this is, but a guy at a local dispensary mentioned he heard of something similar happening to other people in the area. Basically the lower leave have been getting this white residue then dying off. The upper half of the plants are fine, but i'm just worried about this spreading and cutting my harvest short. (currently at 4 weeks in flower). Any ideas?

Nutes are BioBizz BioGrow, FF Tiger Bloom, FF Big Bloom, FF Open Sesame, FF Beastie Bloomz. Feeding every other watering.

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Well-Known Member
Its probably Powdery Mildew i cant really tell in the pics But the White Residue is probably mildew. ONE THING i can see that you probably have are Spider Mites. All those white spots look like mite damage


Well-Known Member
u got PM it seems.. u gunna need a spraying regiment of some sort. R u in flowering? if so this will be much trickier.. since u have mite problems too u can look into neem oil its organic..
theres also GH plant shield.. theres physan.. thers ur standard SM90...cheaper stuf can be alkaline water.. or baking soda..or garden sulfur.
The more important issue is finding a concrete preventative way to avoid PM to begin with.. usuallly ur grow op. can u increase airflow? reduce RH? r u foliar spraying too much?
some folks make the mistake of thinkin their grow dont need ventilation at night since thers no heat n its cool temp. if RH is high in the dark thats a prob... GL bro


New Member
one part milk to 9 parts milk spray will take care of it a scientist discovered it in brazilian rain forest


Active Member
ITS NOT MITES!! please stop saying that... i would know if it were... I've had them in the past on a basil plant (in no way connected to these plants).

I would say maybe its PM, cause the tops of the leaves get shiny and white (almost like snail trails), then die... maybe I need to upgrade my fan system...


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt go the dairy route bro.. i left it out for good reason lol. the best thing is spray some fungicide..like physan, but since u likely dont hv it n will hv to order n wait.. u might as well try the alkaline water.. or goto gardenstore ask for the sulfur


New Member
it was posted on here with a link to the scientific study he used a mix of 10% milk to 90 % water try researching it mite save u some money only reason i havent tried it is i dont have a moldy plant yet lol


New Member
ok original poster i just typed in a google search for milk for controllling powerdery mildew and man u should see all the hits and u could use this to control it while u r wait for a order of something else its your call throw money out there or do some research i gave u a starting point its your call and hope u can get it under control good luck


Well-Known Member
This is what white powdery mold looks like (click on each picture to see a bigger version):

The best way to get rid of white powdery mold is to increase the airflow/circulation in the room. I like to point a fan at a wall near the plants to that the air bounces of the wall and hits the plants. I don't like to have a fan blowing directly on them, and instead just like to see the leaves gently rustling in the breeze.

As a quick fix, buy some SM-90 (available online or at a hydro/gardening store) and mix one teaspoon per gallon of water and use it as a foliar spray just before you turn the lights off at the end of the night. SM-90 is made up of an assortment of oils, and contains sulphur which will kill the mold but won't hurt your plants. Some people also use Neem Oil but I've only had experience with SM-90 so I know it works.


Active Member
I'm note sure its white powdery mold, but I think its some kind of fungus... its kind of shiny on some leaves, and on the dead leaves have been seeing small black speckles. I checked my humidity, and yeah its way up... I need to get this under control soon. I'm gonna turn up my fan which pushes air into my closet, and hopefully lower the humididty for tonight at least...
Hydro store tomorrow for sure....


Active Member
Ok so I bought some neem oil at a local hydro store and started spraying the leaves... then i looked closer and i found these little white bugs crawling around... but tiny! so I looked at grizzly's guide and I think I'm dealing with some thrips. Do you think neem oil and dish soap with water is good enough to combat these guys? Luckily they aren't rampant, but they got the lower leaves on two of my Northern Lights, which I'm not real happy about. Been spraying the leaves, last night and tonight. Should I just continue this process?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, mite damage creates smaller spots, than those. I've never seen PM spotty like that, either. Hmm....