white mold in soil under t5's how do i make it go away?

Mr. M

I did some reasearch and i think i might need more heat which im not getting off my lights t5 lights though im sure im getting enough light. how would i add more heat to my grow room or do i need to? would this kill the spores? Also what would the mold do if i didnt do a thing about it? i already have been watering less and more carefully and i dont know if this would help but i set my fan to go turn on every half hour instead of all the time to let the lights heat up the place a bit.

your responses are appreciated. :bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
water your plant with some hydrogen peroxide, that should kill the mold. and dont worry its not gonna harm your plant, people use it in hydro grows and i use it in soil sometimes.


Well-Known Member
What you have is white trichoderma. It is probably beneficial. I would leave it alone unless your plants are exhibiting signs of root disease.

Mr. M

im using mendo mix im actually about to go get a thermomater but it seems kinda room temp in there. ive heard that using hydrogen peroxide did stuff for plants like that but wouldnt that kill the good bacteria in the soil too? and how could the mold be beneficial?


I'm having the same issue. I have white (powder like) residue on the stems, and white spots on some of the leaves. I just noticed one of my bottom fan leaves was turning light green and brown and so I clipped it. I'm also trying to figure out how to fix it. I have a closet grow, my room temp lately has been a little cold. At like 68 degrees. Today I sprayed with Neem Oil which was suggested by someone else. I also haven't had the fan on since it's been so cold, but I put a heater on to bring the temp up and turned on my fan again. I'm at 4 weeks and I could start flowering, but I wanted to wait until they were a little bigger. Any suggestions? Is it fixable, or should I start flowering now?


Well-Known Member
dont use just regular peroxcide get h202, or get neem oil or go to your local grow shop n talk to them about what they have to help.


Well-Known Member
and how could the mold be beneficial?
Seriously?!? WTF do you think ZHO or Sub-culture M is? Mycorhyzum Myco means fungus. Most beneficial mycos are molds... If you pour H2O2 in your soil you will kill your soil and you will kill you plants.
Basic biology, just sayin...


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same issue. I have white (powder like) residue on the stems, and white spots on some of the leaves. I just noticed one of my bottom fan leaves was turning light green and brown and so I clipped it. I'm also trying to figure out how to fix it. I have a closet grow, my room temp lately has been a little cold. At like 68 degrees. Today I sprayed with Neem Oil which was suggested by someone else. I also haven't had the fan on since it's been so cold, but I put a heater on to bring the temp up and turned on my fan again. I'm at 4 weeks and I could start flowering, but I wanted to wait until they were a little bigger. Any suggestions? Is it fixable, or should I start flowering now?
What you have is Powdery Mildew which is not what the OP has. You should spray with neem oil and that will kill powdery mildew.

Mr. M

actually mine is kinda powdery too. it dies out when it dries but then it come back a day after watering it. so it there really no problem, will it hurt the plant? or should i just get some neem oil at the grow shop? my grow room is temp is 72F and 52% humidity and my plants are about a month old.


Well-Known Member
actually mine is kinda powdery too. it dies out when it dries but then it come back a day after watering it. so it there really no problem, will it hurt the plant? or should i just get some neem oil at the grow shop? my grow room is temp is 72F and 52% humidity and my plants are about a month old.
IMO you should have the neem oil on hand and be using it as a preventative on a regular basis. The neem will not kill most beneficial organisms.