First go with mephisto

Looking good g
Thx for riding along SG. I dont have any envoirmental monitoring in the tent atm. I need to get my thermomiter in the tent for a few days and figure out how high i can crank my light up while maintaining a cool enough conditions. It is suppose to be 100F tuesday so that will be a good test of how much heat i can safely add. I dont run any climate control dedicated to just the grow room. I got central air, but i signed up for the energy saver program that lets my power provider take control of the themostat during peak hrs they will let the house warm upto the low 80s sometimes. The grow is downstairs, partial basement that stays atleast 5 sometimes as much as 15 degrees cooler then the top floor. I dont want to end up with loose air buds (I do accept that it is highly probable). It would be nice if i could double my light out put. Even if i do 150w in a 3x3 would still be a very low energy grow
Lights got carnked up to 25%(120w) saturday. Cant find my decent thermometer atm so i just got a few of the cheap small black ones. Temps read 75f at soil level and 78f at canopey just before lights off assuming a 5° margine of error i should be in the safe zone for temps but cant expect to be able to add intensity for at least another month. Going to plant a tentmate sometime this week, probably a fog dog OG unless i can find a trading partner to bring new genetic into my room.
Day 43. Think i over fed her, she got a mild flush last weekend but damage seem to still be progressing


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Gave her a fuller flush tonight and removed the most damaged of the leafs, followed by a recharge of about 1/2 gal. Thats all the space i had before i would start to cover the lowest buds. Skipped the grainular as it was clearly overkill.
A little sister sprouted i think wendsday but it might have been yesterday or tuesday. She is in straight happy frog so will be getting fed salts.

As you can tell i have not been putting mush time/effort/attention into my grows this past 5/6 weeks. That was kinda the point of this grow, but a real dissoppointment for my other tent. Phone is dying so picks tomorrow
Still looks like she is going downhill. Day 46 hopefully she survives the home strech


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Day 56. Foliage is hammer but the buds are developing nicely. Hope she is taking in enough light energy to get her cross the finish line.


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Lil sister seems to be just a little behing where big sister was at this point. About day 15


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Day 64. For as fucked as my foliage is I'm surprised the flowers are developing quite nicely and "on schedule". Plenty of tricome production, sticky and have a decent density to them. About 1/3 of the pestils have browned and about 1/10 have receeded, but there still seems to be new growth pushung out of the longer white pestils. Predicting harvest around 80-90days.

The younger plant has a soil line well below the top of the grow bag, this are short bushy growers, as a result her lower foliage has gotten healthy splashes with nutient water the past several feedings. Oddly i have only spotted 1 spot of salt burn on 1 leaf. Im sure more will pop up as she starts her early flower strech run


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2nd sprout got spread out last night


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Day 70. The lower parts of the flowers seem to be rippening at about the normal rate most pestils are colored and about 1/2 have receeded. The tops of almost all flowers are still pushing out new growth at a rate that is fairly impressive considering the late stage of life and sickly condition of the plant.

Second sprout looks like she will be a little shorter, she had full power light from sprout. But she has a higher branch count with noticably thicker stalk and stems. She right in the window of life when 1st sprout started to go downhill so lets hope i get this tranistion feed right. She looks mostly happy but a few signs of consern.

Some salt burn from nutirent splash, still only on a couple of leafs and not as intesnse as i was expecting.
A darker color then im use to this early, gonna keep an eye out for more rust spots or darkening vains if i need to add calmg.
Some curling in the leaf tips, have trouble keeping my RH%up right now.
Very slight signs of nute burn in the newest foliage, time to dial my N back faster.

I found mites in my other tent so everyone except 1st sprout got dosed in need tuesday night


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Day 75.
Its common for me to harvest my tops and leave the lower folwer an extra week or 2 to rippen, but here the opposite seems to be happening. I got about 3 lower flowers that look ripe while most buds having a few white pestils still that have noticable daily caxyle growth. With the top flowers on each branch having the most new white pestils and most aggressive caxyle development.


Day 88. 1st sprout will be coming down today. She has not put out any new pestils in 2 weeks , a few are still white but have not build new caxyles in a few days and she has nearly stopped drinking. The buds look sexy despite the overall condition of the plant. Flowers are frosty dense sticky and fragrent( mix of orange, sweet and skunk).
Its about day 45 for second sprout, right about the time the 1st started going down hill. And she is showing lots of sign of damage mostly on the lower 1/3 of the plant. Im fairly confident in my feeding cycles running synthetics on this one, and most of the pre harvest pics i see of manphistos gear are small plants covered in flower with very little foliage. This leads me to belive they a geneticly inclined to self canabalize after the stretch. #2 finished her strech about 1inch taller and about double the mass of #1, she ran her whole life with the light up at about 50% where #1 spent up to her strech with it dialed back 25% before it got bumped.


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2nd sprout is absolutly covered in nugget. Leafage might be ugly but she smells nice, orange, sweet, and skunky and what a producer


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Every 3 or 4 days i pull off a heavy handful of dead leafs. While it is dissapointing to see so much foliage in such conditions, the more i pull off the more impressed i am with the flowers underneath. About day 60 and i dont think this girl will need the 88days her sister did.


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1st plant finished drying tuesday, while trimming thursday the top cola had to be discarded do to PM. It was the only flower that seemed effected. The rest came out to 63g. Saturday night second sprout also had mold in her top and 2 other colas. Molded flowers were removed and the whole plant was chopped and is being flash dried to prevent any farther spread. It sucks i know im frying my terps and making flowers that will brake into dust and be harsh to smoke but less subprime smoke is better then no smoke