white man beats on cops, charges them, not shot dead

Different situation altogether and COPS did not feel life is in danger.

could have differnet ending if white guy was 200LBS and charged a single cop half his size and also 20seconds earlier had tried to get cops gun
How is it so hard to think if you try to hurt a cop, then run away and turn aroudn to try to attack cop again, hes going to protect himself?

If you are inside your hme and someone comes inside to rob you, you pull gun amd he runs out and then tried to re enter your home a second time, its clear this guy wants to do you harm. Should you wrestle him, let him beat you up or shoot him?
Different situation altogether and COPS did not feel life is in danger.

could have differnet ending if white guy was 200LBS and charged a single cop half his size and also 20seconds earlier had tried to get cops gun

Have you seen Wilson?! He is not a little guy, this just shows that no matter how much evidence you provide to the contrary, some people are just too stupid or ignorant to understand. Like I said before, ignore everyone else and just read Wilson's own testimony and then try to say he was in danger with a straight face.
Fact is, cop does not need to tase him or any other means. Kid kept moving towards him after warnings. 6 yr olds know to listen when.cop tells you stop. Even if youve done nothing wrong. Sucks yes but your not dead at end of day.

Im not a fan of police brutality cause been on other side of story and attacked while in cuffs resulting in noo arrest cause i did nothing wrong. BUT if i resisted even though i was not wrong, i would have been shot and it would have been justified... cops duty when doesnt know anything about the person is secure his.situation. how many people have been pulled over and asked to sit on curb. Theres a reason for that.

I have a biased opinion towards police from previous experience but PICK YOUR BATTLES. When someone is shot whileincuffs i will completely agree with the mob. These happen all the time and are true reasons to riot butdo not make news .

Lets face facts, shooting even.if could have been handled different is justified from jury of our peers. Thats how oursystem works. Everyone talks shit but nooneknows the cops mental. state. Blame person who hired.someone not capable of taking down a 18yr old kid without deadly force. Cops everywhere need a hundred bullets to hit there target, thats an issue. People who are bystanders are dying from it.... noone fighting for there justice.
The chart Chesus posted had been edited, it's not the same chart on the NPR website.
For some reason I can't copy and paste
20 year old Unarmed White man Shot by Black Cop

Not to get in the way of your pathetic attempts at trolling but

One big difference in the two cases was officer Cruz was wearing a body camera.

Footage from the officer’s body camera shows Officer Cruz repeatedly ordered Dillon to show his hands.

On the footage Taylor can be heard saying “Nah, fool.”

Taylor quickly raised his left hand from inside his waistband, lifted his shirt level with his armpit and quickly brought out his right hand.

At that time Officer Cruz shot Taylor twice.

edit: you know the cop wasn't black don't you beenthere? Does it help your race baiting narrative to claim he was?

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Not to get in the way of your pathetic attempts at trolling but

One big difference in the two cases was officer Cruz was wearing a body camera.

Footage from the officer’s body camera shows Officer Cruz repeatedly ordered Dillon to show his hands.

On the footage Taylor can be heard saying “Nah, fool.”

Taylor quickly raised his left hand from inside his waistband, lifted his shirt level with his armpit and quickly brought out his right hand.

At that time Officer Cruz shot Taylor twice.

edit: you know the cop wasn't black don't you beenthere? Does it help your race baiting narrative to claim he was?
And many witnesses say officer wilson ordered Brown to stop.
My point is, you lefties never bring up this stuff unless it's a black man being shot by a white man.
If I'm wrong, show me some threads that prove otherwise.
Not to get in the way of your pathetic attempts at trolling but

One big difference in the two cases was officer Cruz was wearing a body camera.

Footage from the officer’s body camera shows Officer Cruz repeatedly ordered Dillon to show his hands.

On the footage Taylor can be heard saying “Nah, fool.”

Taylor quickly raised his left hand from inside his waistband, lifted his shirt level with his armpit and quickly brought out his right hand.

At that time Officer Cruz shot Taylor twice.

edit: you know the cop wasn't black don't you beenthere? Does it help your race baiting narrative to claim he was?

The 20-year-old man had no firearm but his behavior gave the cop sufficient reason to feel threatened. Thats really all an officer needs to shoot your ass, in fact that's pretty much the only reason anyone needs to shoot someone else. That was why Zimmy got off too, he felt his life was being threatened. Same with Wilson. Brown didn't comply with commands, in fact aggressed against the officer and then tried to take his gun, probabaly so he could use it to kill wilson.

Think about it, If a policeman asks you to move to the sidewalk, do you feel its justified to walk up to the police vehicle and start punching that officer in the head and then try to take his gun? Does that seem like a normal reaction to you? Is that what you would do if an officer asked you to do something?
And many witnesses say officer wilson ordered Brown to stop.
My point is, you lefties never bring up this stuff unless it's a black man being shot by a white man.
If I'm wrong, show me some threads that prove otherwise.
Well it doesn't fit with their common narrative that all white people (Except themselves of course) are all racist and all harbor fantasies about killing blacks. Racism is the only thing liberals can agree on, they agree to keep minorities in their place so that they can always exploit the black man without repercussions. Liberals loonies are the worst type of racists, they keep all their hate hidden behind a second face, as soon as you turn your back though, they insert the knife and twist it for their own pleasure. At least with a neo nazi or white power fanatic you know what you get at face value and can protect yourself.