White Label Purple Bud?


Sso have this white label purple bud plant shes about 4 months old and 8 to 9 foot tall. Question is does this strain really turn puple like they show on the picture for the seeds. If so are you suppose to wait till they turn purple to pick? They seem to have 2 weeks left unsure thouggh cause havent changed to any color except green? Any suggestions will help. Thanks.
grew it out once.3-4 plants 0 turned purple .Grew AOS beside them all 3 turned early.the high was decent in the PB though.
I grew 5, got 0 purple.... was some damn good cat piss smelling afghan lookin nugs though...

Still have to pop the rest of the pack but im in no hurry
There are some phenos that are green, and some that are purple, it may be more common to get a green pheno but they took a picture of purple pheno