• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

white house chief of staff a crook?


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't Rahm Emanuel pay property taxes?

According to the Cook County Assessor's website, the Chicago home of four-term Democrat Congressman and new White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, doesn't exist.. While the address of 4228 North Hermitage is listed as Emanuel's residence on the Illinois State Board of Elections' website, there seems to be no public record of Emanuel ever paying property taxes on this home.
The Cook County Assessor's and Cook County Treasurer's online records indicate Emanuel's Chicago neighbors pay between $3,500 and $7,000 annually. However, Illinois Review has
been unable to locate any evidence that the former Clinton advisor and investment banker is paying his fair share of Cook County 's notoriously high tax burden.

Why wouldn't 4228 North Hermitage property owners Rahm Emanuel and wife A my Rule pay property taxes?
One reason may be because Emanuel and Rule declared their 4228 North Hermitage home as the office location for their personal non-profit foundation called the "Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule Charitable Foundation". As the non-profit's headquarters, their home could be exempt from paying property taxes.

In January 2007, USA Today reported on Emanuel's foundation:
The Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule Charitable Trust was formed in 2002, when the Chicago lawmaker was first elected. The former Clinton White House aide and his wife, Amy Rule, are its only donors. Emanuel was an investment banker after serving in the White House.
The trust reported having $2,900 on hand at the end of 2005 after receiving $34,000 from Emanuel and donating more than $31,000
During the past three years, Emanuel's charity gave nearly $25,000 to the Anshe Emet synagogue and school [a private school that the Rahm/Rule children attend]..., and $15,000 to the foundation run by former president Bill Clinton. It also gave $14,000 to Marwen, a Chicago charity that provides art classes and other educational help to low-income children. Rule is on Marwen's board.
(He doesn't pay any property taxes and he gets income tax write-offs by donating $25000 to the Synagogue
and other amounts of money to his Foundation. This allows his kids to attend school tuition-free
and allows him to expense a lot of personal expenses. What a racket!
Take all your income and donate it back to yourself via tax exempt orgs where you can spen d it on as
expenses to operate your car, pay the electric and water bills, etc.
I guess if you are a hypocritical "liberal" democrat who advocates raising taxes on everyone else, this is all permissible.)
Emanuel's 4228 North Hermitage home is one of the largest in the neighborhood, with a side yard that appears to be a vacant lot, making the Emanuels' property the largest portion on the block.
Other North Hermitage homes on Emanuel's block are valued in the $500,000 plus range. According to Cook County Treasurer's website, the Chicago owners of nearby 118 year old 4222 North Hermitage pay almost $6800 annually. The family at 4224 North Heritage pays $6000 each year in property taxes.
President Obama - himself a connected, Chicago insider who has benefited from questionable land deals - may find it difficult to explain why his very own Chicago-based chief of staff doesn't pay property taxes like the "little guy" he claims to represent. Or perhaps allowing his wealthy friends to avoid taxes is part of Obama's trickle down redistribution economics. It's certainly the kind of "change" we Illinoisans can believe in...since we're quite familiar with it here in the federal indictment land of Daley, Blagojevich, Madigan, Jones, Cellini, Rezko, etc.


Well-Known Member
Typical, and pretty much the first job requirement to all of Obama's cabinet/nominees. After all, taxes are just for rich, white Republicans.


Well-Known Member
you know i have to bump this article.this shit really really piss's me off.
none of these fuckers pay tax in the obama admin and want to rape the rest of us with tax.WTF?


Well-Known Member
You know... this administration is full of crooks... but most of them are nice people. That Geithner scumbag is another story though... that fool never smiles.

But hey, Raum has dual citizenship for the US and Israel. I wonder who he pledges allegiance to? I guess it doesn't matter, these people don't have to pay jackshit to anybody, no matter what country they live in. They are above all laws max.


Well-Known Member
LOL.. you're upset about Rahm just because of THIS?? LOL.. go read the book The Plan.. you will more than likely be even MORE upset..

Btw.. taxes as for the slaves.. most of Washington doesn't pay them.. and when they are publically ousted for not paying them, just a little "oh turbo tax messed up, my bad" and nothing happens.. now if you are a slave, whom the taxes are directed at.. a swat team raids your house, puts guns in the face of you and all your children, drags you to jail, takes your house and all your possessions and sells them to pay off your debt to them.. it's classic mafia tactics.. you must pay to work on MY turf, slaves..


New Member
LOL.. you're upset about Rahm just because of THIS?? LOL.. go read the book The Plan.. you will more than likely be even MORE upset..

Btw.. taxes as for the slaves.. most of Washington doesn't pay them.. and when they are publically ousted for not paying them, just a little "oh turbo tax messed up, my bad" and nothing happens.. now if you are a slave, whom the taxes are directed at.. a swat team raids your house, puts guns in the face of you and all your children, drags you to jail, takes your house and all your possessions and sells them to pay off your debt to them.. it's classic mafia tactics.. you must pay to work on MY turf, slaves..
Honestly, if you actually believed this, how could you still abide in this country. Seems to me if you hate this government so much, you should either go postal or move. Geeze the frustration you must feel. I think driving yourself into a frenzy is counterproductive. Either do something positive or change your address. I have lived here for 68 fucking years, and to tell the truth, the only time I was accosted by the authorities was when I was doing something illegal. If you are doing something illegal, then you takes your chances, but you have nothing to bitch about if you get caught. Maybe some laws are stupid, like most of the drug laws, but a smart person knows how to avoid the law. Be smart and relax.


Well-Known Member
Ya know.. my great grandmother grew up in Cicero, right outside of Chicago.. now, Cicero back in the day used to be a very well to do neighborhood.. hard working people, nice brick homes lined all the streets. Beautiful neighborhood.. if you went there today, the houses still stand, but the neighborhood is 99% Hispanic and infested with gang and drug violence.. Most people would have moved I suppose, that would have been the 'smart' thing to do, but my great grandmother died in that house just last May at the age of 87.. she had raised her children in that house and lived her whole life there- even as the neighborhood around her went to shyt.. It was HER house, and the criminals around her did not change that and it didn't intimidate her. Gosh, until a year before she died she'd still walk to the bus stop and take the public transportation to do her errands..

My ancestors died for my right to freedom, here, in this country. I'm sorry, I bleed red, white, and blue.. I may not agree with our government, I may not like the situation here currently, but this is my home, I too am an American.. with rights to freedom endowed by my creator.. I'm not going anywhere.. not willingly anyways..

P.S. Unlike a lot of people who like to complain, I do actually do things to try to positively change the current situation here..


New Member
Ya know.. my great grandmother grew up in Cicero, right outside of Chicago.. now, Cicero back in the day used to be a very well to do neighborhood.. hard working people, nice brick homes lined all the streets. Beautiful neighborhood.. if you went there today, the houses still stand, but the neighborhood is 99% Hispanic and infested with gang and drug violence.. Most people would have moved I suppose, that would have been the 'smart' thing to do, but my great grandmother died in that house just last May at the age of 87.. she had raised her children in that house and lived her whole life there- even as the neighborhood around her went to shyt.. It was HER house, and the criminals around her did not change that and it didn't intimidate her. Gosh, until a year before she died she'd still walk to the bus stop and take the public transportation to do her errands..

My ancestors died for my right to freedom, here, in this country. I'm sorry, I bleed red, white, and blue.. I may not agree with our government, I may not like the situation here currently, but this is my home, I too am an American.. with rights to freedom endowed by my creator.. I'm not going anywhere.. not willingly anyways..

P.S. Unlike a lot of people who like to complain, I do actually do things to try to positively change the current situation here..

Actually, I still live in my neighborhood that I bought into 20 years ago. It has digressed into a Barrio and my house is now worth less than I paid 20 years ago. I had to take out a couple of seconds, so I am now one of the walk away prospects. I had to pay off the debt racked up by my wife to pacify her kids, I know, but she is a wonderful caring woman. I imagine I'll die in this neighborhood if we can continue to make our payments. I was going to sell one of our rentals and pay it off, but the bubble bursting fucked me right up the butocks. My problem with you and other conservatives is that they are all over Obama, but have no working alternative plan, just criticism. I seriously doubt that Obama is Hitlerian at all, and that is just hate rhetoric. Did you notice that most of the fault and debt was from Obamas predecessor. Yeah we must spend money or we'll go deeper into the recession. I'm no economist, but most economists agree with Obamas plan and the opposition is just posing for the conservative base. Those 12 democrats that are "opposing" Obamas plan will come around at voting time, and probably there are a few Billions that can be eliminated, usually are. Now as for comparing Obama to Hitler, That's just crazy Paranoia talk. It does no-one any good, and as I said, If you truly believe this, then you should either form a militia or change your zip code.


Well-Known Member
would you giv up your favorite government program if it meant you would never have to pay tax again?
harry browne.


Well-Known Member
Doing nothing would be a better plan Med. Printing money, litterally trying to devalue the dollar, is not a valid plan imo. Printing Trillions of dollars and handing it to your investment banker buddies is not a valid plan imo. Rewarding the people who caused the problem with our money is not a valid plan imo. Spending money to get us out of this recession is an oximoron. Spending money was what got us in the recession, Money we don't have.

The government can not create wealth with a printing press. Does this make sence to you?? If it could we would be living in a paradise would we not? You think this recession is bad, Hmm. Wait tell a can of tuna is 4 dollars. This recession is a correction in the market it needs to run its course. The companies and individuals that made bad decisions have no one to blame but themselves (And the FED) and like so many lemmings need to be allowed to run off a cliff. Much like Lemmings we hate to see them cute little guys die nasty deaths so we in our compassion fence off the cliff. Now the lemmings are in real trouble they may ALL starve.

The market must be allowed to work housing prices must drop banks must be liquidated anything else is folly. You say the recession will get worse show me one recession that got better from higher taxes or more regulation? The great depression?? NO it was prolonged by 15 years because of FDR. Nobody ever talks about the depression of 1921 because the government did nothing to fix it. It was over by '22. The government can't effectivly control the market, it can't create wealth from nothing, It can't prop the value of your house up, it just can't. Not only can it not do these things it shouldn't even try it has no authority to do this. It has no authority to alter lawful contracts either.

A real plan you want a plan here is one I'll give it to you right now:
1. Let banks fail
2. let home prices drop
3. save more money
4. cut government spending
5. cut taxes
There is a plan. A better plan the giving mountains of cash to the banksters who caused this.
Yeah, we are all over Obama, Hes a fiscal fool, in league with the people who caused the mess. Bush was no diffrent so don't go there with me.

As for forming a militia no need people a spontaniously doing it themselves now. People are arming themselves at unpresidented levels now and no militia to infiltrate and control that must piss the FBI off.

As for going to some other country I've thought about it. But where would I go "they" will not control.
I'll die here.


Well-Known Member
the government seems to have this fear of independent militias ,maveric's ,i think the government calls them lone wolf operators..
they have a huge fear of them.they know they dont have anyone to catch them when they start going balistic.
the lone wolf will cause more damage to them than a organized group of people..because he can operate a long long time without anyone catching him.or her


New Member
My problem with you and other conservatives is that they are all over Obama, but have no working alternative plan, just criticism.
As I've said many times in this forum, Med ... you are a Poster Boy for what Lenin described as a "Useful Idiot."

Conservatives have presented the "alternative plan" many times over ... but you have either failed to listen, or ridiculed it.

1. Get the government out of the operation of private businesses.

2. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15%.

3. Abolish the tax on income and replace it with the FAIR tax.

4. Abolish the death tax.

5. Abolish the tax on capital gains.

6. Reestablish the silver and gold standard.

7. Return to private banking.

8. Convert the Pentagon into a Triangle.

9. Stop meddling in foreign affairs.

Want more?



Well-Known Member
i gotta keep pointing out how sleezzey rahm emanual is.
this guy gives jews a bad name..well him and guys like bernie madoff


New Member
I have lived here for 68 fucking years, and to tell the truth, the only time I was accosted by the authorities was when I was doing something illegal. If you are doing something illegal, then you takes your chances, but you have nothing to bitch about if you get caught. Maybe some laws are stupid, like most of the drug laws, but a smart person knows how to avoid the law. Be smart and relax.
What say you about the fact that so many laws are unconstitutional ... and passed only because it was politically expedient to do so ... for example the unconstitutional ban on so-called "assault weapons?"

What if they passed a law forbidding obesity, Med? What now? :shock:



Well-Known Member
What say you about the fact that so many laws are unconstitutional ... and passed only because it was politically expedient to do so ... for example the unconstitutional ban on so-called "assault weapons?"

What if they passed a law forbidding obesity, Med? What now? :shock:

Agreed. The amount of trust put in big government and that they'll "get it right" is FAR too benevolently presumptuous than I will ever have in "the rule of men". In almost any and every case it seems that government illustrates the utter incapability to carry out it's obligations, and what's even worse, is they come across as the LEAST efficient means in getting things done. In 99.9% of all sectors, the private industry does a better, more effective job. Less government, less government, less government people!


Well-Known Member
This is not the USA I remember & damd sure not what our founding fathers had in mind! The streets are filling up with angry,homeless,hungry american tax payers who have been ripped off.Violence is not the answer.But sometimes is required to make a point.Record firearms sales in the United States pretty much shows what is around the corner.


New Member
The market must be allowed to work housing prices must drop banks must be liquidated anything else is folly. You say the recession will get worse show me one recession that got better from higher taxes or more regulation? The great depression?? NO it was prolonged by 15 years because of FDR. Nobody ever talks about the depression of 1921 because the government did nothing to fix it. It was over by '22. The government can't effectivly control the market, it can't create wealth from nothing, It can't prop the value of your house up, it just can't. Not only can it not do these things it shouldn't even try it has no authority to do this. It has no authority to alter lawful contracts either.

Does Hooverville shanties ring any bells. The whole mall in DC was covered in tents and makeshift shelters, the result of doing nothing when the shit hit the fan. What caused this depression was in fact de-regulation that let the bankers and stock brokers gamble with high risk mortgages. Then, AIG guaranteed them and when the bubble burst, it took down the whole shiteree. The recession/depression was building for 2-3 years because the Bush regime didn't make any effort to control the out of control assholes on wall street that were raking in billions on false assumptions.
Now we finally get someone that is willing to step up and try and fix this pile of crap, and all you conservatives can do is yell, "he's taxing us out of existence". The truth is those assholes on wall street that are sitting in mega-million dollar mansions are the guys you should be yelling at. Tell those assholes to give back their booty and we could solve this dillema overnight.


New Member
What say you about the fact that so many laws are unconstitutional ... and passed only because it was politically expedient to do so ... for example the unconstitutional ban on so-called "assault weapons?"

What if they passed a law forbidding obesity, Med? What now? :shock:

I suppose it would affect me in the same way a law against idiocy would affect you.


New Member
What caused this depression was in fact de-regulation that let the bankers and stock brokers gamble with high risk mortgages.
In my best Amos & Andy voice: Uhhh ... do da name Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Barry Obama mean any-ting to ya?
