• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network


Active Member
1st, your premis is all wrong. FOX is not a news station. It is a republican talking points memo repeating broadcast station. With contributors like Dick Cheney and Ruish Limbaugh, how could anyone take them serious as a "news" station. Mis-information station would be more appropriate. They don't vett their information but instill terror and lies into the airwaves. Even as they do these things, they are still allowed to broadcast and no-one has mentioned removing them from the air. They've just been called out on their lies. If they constantly attack Obama with lies, why doesn't he have the right to call them out?
Dude, let's talk about this for a minute. Did anyone know about the 9/12/09 tea party rally/march on DC before it happened? Yes, some of us did, but most of us were in the dark. After the fact, many international news sources (ie BBC) reported 1-1.5 million marchers, yet the liberal media made little or no mention of this huge event. Instead, most US news forums made this event appear much smaller than it actually was. Very interesting how information gets passed along in your choise of news media. I'm not a huge fan of FOX, but it is indeed as much a news station as anything you are watching/reading.


New Member
The american ppl know full well that FOX is telling them what the rest are trying desperately NOT to.

Obama wants to have full control of the major outlets.... and only FOX is still doing the job of the fifth estate.


Well-Known Member
Dude, let's talk about this for a minute. Did anyone know about the 9/12/09 tea party rally/march on DC before it happened? Yes, some of us did, but most of us were in the dark. After the fact, many international news sources (ie BBC) reported 1-1.5 million marchers, yet the liberal media made little or no mention of this huge event. Instead, most US news forums made this event appear much smaller than it actually was. Very interesting how information gets passed along in your choise of news media. I'm not a huge fan of FOX, but it is indeed as much a news station as anything you are watching/reading.

OMG, not again. First, there is NO WAY there were anywhere near a million people at the September 12 Tea Party.

There were over a million people at Obama's inauguration and schools 50 miles away had to close that day because 1 million people flocking to DC = MAJOR headache for the entire I-95 corridor from DC to Fredericksburg and the school districts KNEW they wouldn't be able to get the school buses through all the traffic.

Look, I live VERY close to DC and have lots of friends and even family members who live and/or work there. The traffic alone is a MAJOR indicator of how large an event actually is. Apart from some minor delays along metro routes near the capital and minor delays in metro bus operation, there just wasn't enough traffic to support the claim that there were anywhere near a million people on the mall that day. Unless a million people happened to FLY in and WALK from Dulles or Reagan National airports, which is an even more ludicrous idea considering they are both MILES from the national mall.

The BBC never reported any such thing, but you know who did? One of
Rupert Murdoch's UK news outlets. Where did they get their numbers from? Uh, take a wild guess?

Not one single local DC news outlet reported numbers anywhere approaching a million. Why? Because you CAN'T LIE to people who LIVE OR WORK in the district. It's easier to lie to people who live thousands of miles away. DC locals know the truth, because they were there. It would be pointless for anyone to try and convice us otherwise, hence the reason why local news outlets reported the REAL number of protesters which was around 70,000.


Well-Known Member
Are you nucking futs? PMSNBC is the no question hands down winner at total fabrication. Thats lying for those of you in Rio Linda...Keith Slobberman and Rachel Madcow are two of the worst smear merchants in all of news entertainment. The hate and vitriol that spews from their mouths on a nightly basis makes me wonder how the channel even survives, although there appear to be some 'intellectuals' here who agree with that side of things(ooh, i am soo tired from cramming seventy three hours for my final on Particle Theory, String Theory and Black Holes effect Time travel and Magnolias growth rates...)

At any rate, all the cable "news" channels have a slant. it's just that Fox isn't a sniveling whiny bag-licking outlet like PMSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, et al.

Peace out, bro...:joint:
Some examples would be helpfull.

As far as Fox News goes, here are some examples.

1) Bill Hemmer reported that Department of Education official Kevin Jennings, knew of a "statutory rape" case involving a 15-year-old student but "never reported it." In fact, the student was above the age of consent.

2) In March 2009, Fox News's Martha MacCallum presented a clip of Vice President Joe Biden saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" -- and presented it as from an interview that weekend. In fact, the clip came from a 2008 campaign event at which Biden was quoting Sen. John McCain.

3) Fox News's Wendell Goler reported on an Obama question-and-answer session that was cut short to make it seem as if the president wanted a health care system "like the European countries." In fact, he was just restating a question -- he went on to say that he opposed such a system.

4) On the news show "America's Pulse," E.D. Hill described Barack and Michelle Obama's fist bump at a campaign event last summer as a "terrorist fist jab." She later apologized and claimed that was how it had been "characterized in the media."

5) In a segment on Obama's budget in April, the network claimed it was four times bigger than President Bush's costliest plan. Not true.

6) Fox News reporters constantly promoted the Tea Party movement and also lied about coverage of the September Tea Party march on Washington in an ad, and inflated attendance reports.


New Member
examples are nice but anecdotal at best. patterns are the key indicator...msnbc wins that hands down. If you don't already know that...ur not paying attention.


Well-Known Member
I tried to +rep ya, jeffchr, but first someone else needs to start making sense so I can spread the +rep around.

If a laundry list of "examples" doesn't constitute a "pattern", I don't know what does. As usual, Jax is standing by to refute your claims without offering ANY "anecdotal" evidence of his own to support his claim about MSNBC. Bravo, Jax....

Let's face it, the White House came out and said what the rest of us have been thinking for YEARS. Fox News is an arm of the republican party and should not be considered a legitimate news organization.

For the record, several years ago Fox won a verdict in a FLA court case which basically stated that as an "entertainment" organization they are free to broadcast whatever they want and call it "news", regardless of whether the story is factual or not.


Active Member
Every other news station other than fox is an arm of the democratic party and therefore should not to be considered legimate news sources.


Well-Known Member
Fox is not a news station.. so why would they be treated as such.....I myself don't watch much T.V but when I do why would I watch Fox..... Hell they still have people on the show talking about Obama not born in USA... I guess his white mother was in a hut in Kenya giving birth to him...people still stuck on stupid...


Well-Known Member
Nobody. If you're insinuating that he donated $50,000 to Al Gore's campaign, that's false.


Here's a list of who Murdoch donated money to from '90-2004. Al Gore is not on the list.

A legal firm associated with News Corp held a fundraiser for Al Gore that raised $50,000 for Gore's campaign. Murdoch himself personally donated a whopping $0.

here's another site where you can search for yourself


Again, no Al Gore on the list, no "friends of Al Gore", nothing.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I see the leftist blogger's are back, trying to discredit FOX

Be sure to watch this week as Obama's power-grab for all forms of media (including the Internet) is exposed.

This isn't about FOX. This from CBS news: "
Translation:the U.S. government bureaucracy will be spending your tax dollars to figure out private networks, find choke points and places where they can control the flow of communication. Furthermore, companies (such as your ISP) are going to be required, by law, to supply the federal bureaucrats with whatever network, account, usage and history information they deem appropriate. All in the name of cyber safety, you see." Link

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

Free speech won't be silenced, you douche bags; not in my country; not while I, and others like me are still breathing!

FOX, and other counter-revolutionaries like we, are foiling Obama's leftist agenda, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. lol :blsmoke:


Active Member
No one is trying silence your free speech. It's just FOX news is not a credible news organization, period.

We still let the village idiot retain his first amendment rights.


Well-Known Member
I see the leftist blogger's are back, trying to discredit FOX

Be sure to watch this week as Obama's power-grab for all forms of media (including the Internet) is exposed.

This isn't about FOX. This from CBS news: "
Translation:the U.S. government bureaucracy will be spending your tax dollars to figure out private networks, find choke points and places where they can control the flow of communication. Furthermore, companies (such as your ISP) are going to be required, by law, to supply the federal bureaucrats with whatever network, account, usage and history information they deem appropriate. All in the name of cyber safety, you see." Link

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

Free speech won't be silenced, you douche bags; not in my country; not while I, and others like me are still breathing!

FOX, and other counter-revolutionaries like we, are foiling Obama's leftist agenda, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. lol :blsmoke:

That's from the OPINION section of the CBS news web site.

Do you know what OPINION means?

That being said, I agree that this PROPOSED legislation is garbage and was obviously written by someone who has no idea how the internet actually works. This bill has a pathetic number of co-sponsors (3, 2 democrats and one republican) and will undoubtedly die in committee where it has been stagnating since being introduced in April.

There are literally THOUSANDS of bills introduced in Congress every session, and many of them, like this one, are pure garbage that never again see the light of day. Seizing upon this particular piece of legislation in an attempt to highlight some perceived "power grab" by the White House is ludicrous considering that nobody at the White House has endorsed this bill or even MENTIONED it in passing.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
No one is trying silence your free speech. It's just FOX news is not a credible news organization, period.

We still let the village idiot retain his first amendment rights.
First of all the village idiot as you call him doesn't need you to "let" him keep rights that are "self evident", and there is none who can take the right of free speech, and freedom of the press in this country.

As you read these words from The Bill of Rights it also becomes clear, why the left wing blogger's, so strenuously, try to disprove the existence of God.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

As far as FOX not being credible, why is it they are the only ones asking the tough questions, and why are none of the credible news agencies concerned with the Congress's power grab for the internet?

Is GE owned NBC reporting this?



Well-Known Member
Um, NEWSFLASH, freedom of speech is not one of the rights that our founding fathers said were "self-evident". Here:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Freedom of speech was SECURED for the people BY THE GOVERNMENT in an amendment to the Constitution.

Net neutrality has NOTHING to do with the article you posted previously, and nothing to do with the Senate bill you mentioned. There is no Congressional "power grab", as I already pointed out, the bill you mentioned earlier has THREE cosponsors. THREE. Nobody is touring the nation promoting this bill, in fact, aside from the opinion piece you posted, nobody is even TALKING ABOUT IT. Period.

Net neutrality does not amount to government control of the internet. Not even close. And again, the bill you mentioned is not about net neutrality, it's about cyber security. Two completely different things and not even remotely intertwined with one another.


Active Member
Haha, not sure how that fairy tale monster you call "God" has entered this discussion.

God didn't create America and he certainly isn't real. You're "for" small government, but you believe the government should infringe on a woman's right to get an abortion, the government should step in and say who can, and can't get married because of your religious beliefs.


New Member
One of the first things Obama did was tell the white house press corps is that if they ever wanted to ask another question, don't ever ask about his birth certificate.

And that's how it's done in the transparency govt. of hope and Change....