• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network


Well-Known Member
why would my race be of any concern to you?
considering the tenor of your posts, it's a valid question. with each word you type, there emerges a stereotypic personality that should be obvious to anyone on the boards. the odds are that you are either consumed by guilt over your own ill-perceived bigotry or that you are merely someone in search of a goat on which to hang your own failures. it probably makes little difference which, but it's always nice to know where all that hatred comes from. i, myself, am an aging hippie with delusions of normality, just a half a step away from being poor white trash and not nearly as nice a person or as learned as i purport myself to be. the anonymity of the internet is all fine and good, but eventually we must all own up to the life experiences that make us what we are. liberals may masquerade as conservatives, men as women and young as old, but such disingenuity only serves to obfuscate one's intentions and dilute the message.
Both me and my better half write under Haul me to Heaven. So it's true- both man and woman. No gender bias here!
You sure do write well Undertheice. Well put. Justin says high and agrees with me. Keep up the fine work/writings.
I love how people think Obama asks the fed to print money. The fed chair is appointed, their term lasts longer than 4 years(and in this case is a conservative apointee) and most important he's not answerable to the potus. Thats why the Fed needs to be drowned in the bathtub(and yes I am a progressive, and if the R's were serious about getting rid of the fed why didn't anybody bring a vote to end it?)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Generally speaking I think Fox News is biased. That makes them about the same as the "news" programs from the left.

I'm not a fan of Hannity. I think he's a blow hard. O'reilly is an ass and a blustering fool.

Judge Napolitano has mostly good things to say, Glen Beck is starting to get it too, but still needs work.

John Stossel will be good, if they let him speak.

The back and forth in this thread reinforces in me that some people won't agree with my assessment of Fox. Fine.

What's important is that we have the ability to express our disagreement and we aren't censored, regardless of who is in the white house, which party they came from or what they look like.


New Member
You lefties can defend the largest tax increase in the history of the US ... it's okay.

You guys can defend the fact that the first stimulus didn't work,... it's okay.

You guys can defend the trampling of the constitution, .. it's okay.

You guys can defend the USA handing over sovereignty to the UN, ... it's okay.

You guys can take heart in knowing this is the last left wing President you will ever see in ur lifetime, ... it's okay.


Well-Known Member
You guys can take heart in knowing this is the last left wing President you will ever see in ur lifetime, ... it's okay.
never underestimate the power of the easily swayed mob. i'm sure the british never thought they would be under constatnt scrutiny from every street-corner by the minions of a watchful bureaucracy or that they would willingly cede their sovereignty to a union of their neighbors. i doubt the japanese ever believed they would be forced from warrior ways to become something as pedestrian as merchants. times change and dreams fade. we might well be witnessing the rise of a cult of world-wide mediocrity and the destruction of the individual as a mechanism of change and progress. sad but true.
The debates are scripted? Fucking please!! I have serious doubts if that dusty old fart McCain and retarded sidekick Palin could have won ANY of their debates you'd be saying that. If they were scripted, and the conservative message was worth a shit, then McCain and Palin should have been able to memorize their scripted answers and win those debates! Maybe you'll get candidates with better memories next time. I love the experience argument, it really doesn't matter, Bush's only experience was sinking a bunch of companies that pappy Bush gave him, and being Gov. of Texas(which is about as backwards as you can get without traveling to a 3rd world country) On top of that, you were going to put a woman who couldn't even stay the course through her first term as governor a heartbeat away from the presidency? Schoolkids know, winners never quit and quitters never win. But I'll give you the point, she had experience:lol:
what's he smokin? :lol: And the whole country is dissatisfied with Obama, well maybe in whatever backwoods hell you probly come from, but a lot of the dissatisfaction is from people FARTHER LEFT than he is not giving him a free pass when he caters to Reps., and he's going a little more to the left as a result. As far as my signature, it was designed specifically to fuck up Republicans(looks like it succeeded here!) How anyone that likes the ganja could support the party that began the stupid "war" on drugs (everythings gotta be war with these guys) is beyind me. My screenname would upset old Ronnie boy very much, which is fine by me

No, Obama did memorize the scripted debates.... like an SAT test. debates mean hardly anything in the real world of getting to know a president..

So he KNEW what he had to do..... learn the script. Now, he's not even bothering to do that much.

Obama has ZERO experience....and it shows. It may not how to you.... but yah kow what....who cares? It's our enemies who I'm worried about. Obama is being snookered right and left offshore..... they don't respect him, and while they will shower him in public glory (they are all politicians after all), the deals and leaks all indicate they don't really believe it. they see weakness and hubris.

The majority of the country are agreeing with them.

By the way,,,, your sig truly indicates your ignorance.
I did a little research, and wasn't able to find any evidence that they were scripted. Maybe Fox News said this? And like I said, EVEN if the debates were scripted, if America gave two shits about the Republican message(besides the undereducated, backwoods inbreeding-friendly states that tend to form a haven for the screaming idiot white trash Republican)then their message would have carried the day. Check this shit, and STFU!!



New Member
All the questions are approved and they know what order they are coming in.... todays debates are not any indication of a politicians abilities.

Just look at Obama.... did great in the debates.... flaming out everywhere as President....


Well-Known Member
All the questions are approved and they know what order they are coming in.... todays debates are not any indication of a politicians abilities.

Just look at Obama.... did great in the debates.... flaming out everywhere as President....

So true, so true.


Well-Known Member
Yes Doc, ... unfortunately.
I think it's great that we finally have an African-American president but I think it's absurd that we have this African-American president. Are we at the point where we just vote for someone because of their race or because they are slicksters? I knew this was going to be a fiasco if he got elected. It really surprises me that more Americans aren't questioning the political process.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I think it's great that we finally have an African-American president but I think it's absurd that we have this African-American president. Are we at the point where we just vote for someone because of their race or because they are slicksters? I knew this was going to be a fiasco if he got elected. It really surprises me that more Americans aren't questioning the political process.

he would have never been elected if it wasnt for the ecomony crashing right before the election.

too bad the amricans were duped into thinking he would do better with the economy than Mcain,

what a miscalculation that was:dunce:

i think it should be illigal to sell yourself as one thing and then supply another.

if I did that in my line of work they would put me in jail.

like "hey man buy this car its gonna run great needs no maintenance and will provide you with worry free driving at high speeds"

and then they give you a lemon that you are stunk with for 4 years of payments

they were selling a jag and gave us a pinto

what boggles my mind is that some of you are so stupid as to be like well i like this pinto I think its great, im happy with my purchase

who are you fooling but yourselves anyway?

if you get fucked dont pretend you didnt cuz you cant handle admitting you made a mistake, that only hurts you

like the guy who pays extra for pretty much the same nutes you can get at fair prices. you are only charging yourself more for the same shit. your basically making yourself pay a fee to pls you ego, it might allow you to sleep better at night but your still robbing your kids futures and wasting thier money.

after the new year, there will be no one left except the blind supporting the Obama Nation hes hopless

im glad that the first vote i ever cast in an American Presidential election was against Brack Obama, as I can always say I was against him from the start once history peels away his layers and turns on the lights to the embarassment that he has become to the land of the free & the home of the Brave

this is the land were our fathers died, i will fight for thier honor until my last dieing breath as will my son do for me. that is one thing I can be sure of which gives me unlimited strength no matter what happens.

they can take everything from you except the truth. that always will exist no matter what they do to try & hide it


Well-Known Member
he would have never been elected if it wasnt for the ecomony crashing right before the election.

too bad the amricans were duped into thinking he would do better with the economy than Mcain,

what a miscalculation that was:dunce:

if think it should be illigal to sell yourself as one thing and then supply another.

if I did that in my line of work they would put me in jail.

like he man buy this car its gonna run great needs no maintenance and will provide you with worry free driving.

and then they give you a lemon that you are stunk with for 4 years of payments

they were selling a jag and gave us a pinto

He doesn't have to do a damn thing and the whole world is right there cupping his balls. I don't understand it. He is treated like a rock star. Nobel Peace prize??? WTF? I thought you actually had to do something to get it. Guess not.


New Member
He's going to hand over US sovereignty ... that's why he is being treated that way. That's how a President with two active wars wins the Nobel PEACE prize.

All roads now lead to Copenhagen...... it's a chance for the rest of the world to take a big bite out of the USA, and Obama will sign it smiling.