• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network


Well-Known Member
We all know CrackerJax never leaves his house.... I'll bet he's so defensive of the ratings system because he got suckered into being one of the Nielsen ratings box people. He probably thought it was a "work at home" opportunity, since Nielsen does pay the families who have the ratings boxes.
ROFL...now thats funny...but oh so seemingly true


Well-Known Member
Wow talk about getting lost in the weeds.

Fox News clearly dominates...they demolish CNN...CNN has been in existence quite a bit longer than the upstart Fox.
The left is in desperate denial regarding the amazing success of Fox...quite amusing.
FWIW here are the ratings:

Obama is becoming far more desperate.

It is unbecoming to the office of POTUS.

Look at yesterdays hysterical attempt to eliminate Fox from the News pool...ALL of the News networks refused to go along with this puerile power play.

Petty and amateurish.

Things are not going well, and methinks it is going to get much worse!

Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years

The decline in Barack Obama's popularity since July has been the steepest of any president at the same stage of his first term for more than 50 years.


Well-Known Member
Something like 50 million people watch "American Idol", compared to what... 2.5 million Fox News viewers?

Since Fox News has been officially exposed as a republican talking points "entertainment organization", and not a "news network" that makes MSNBC the number 1 cable news network.

The White House says it, so it must be true! :sleep: I see all the same daily news stories on FOX that I see on the others.

Seems to me the only difference is FOX is willing to cover things that dont make the Messiah look as good. The White House is after FOX for ACORN, that was the final straw, if they can make them look less credible, than ACORN will look like a radical story. I'm not sure the American people are buying it, and its pissing them off. And it is of great interest to this administration, as Obama is deeply embedded within the roots of this organization.

In fact I just heard about a story, where the White House intended to exclude fox news from a press event, the other networks said "if they are excluded count us out as well", and the White House relented. The others realized, if this was allowed to happen, than whats next. I,m rather interested in seeing whats next myself.

MSNBC are shlubs for the Obama administration, their parent corporation General Electric is guaranteed to make boatloads of money from the demorats cap & trade bill, and thats no accident.


New Member
But London and DoobNoob are geniuses!!! They know all about me!! :lol: heh, u guys are about as smart as a bag of rocks....

Yes, the ratings are all false!!! Obama is swinging at FOX because they don't have good ratings!!

You guys are like super geniuses!!! Lawdy...... :roll:


Well-Known Member
by the way did you and fox both say that healthcare reform with a public option was dead...How you think thats working out...Sit back and enjoy the ride


Well-Known Member
Why is it only the Obama opposition that calls him "the messiah"?

Look people, when Obama took office his approval rating was almost 80%. 80%!!! The highest presidential approval rating in 20 years, and you want to cite the fact that it's dropped (since he took office with the highest approval rating in 20 years) as some kind of proof that people are against him? People are ALWAYS against the president. This isn't something new, folks.

The polls show that Obama is REGAINING approval. In other words, his ratings are CLIMBING now. Does he need another 80% approval rating to have majority support? No, he doesn't. In fact, I believe "majority" kicks in at 51%, right?

You can't compare Obama's approval rating TODAY with his approval rating WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE and say that it proves ANYTHING other than a president not being able to sustain a 20 year high approval rating for the first year of his first term.


Well-Known Member
Obama doing good job to me so far...had a lot on his plate.... Has been sticking by what he said he was going to do ( most of the way)... very busy man...Even with all the haters hating just to say they hate...


Well-Known Member
You guys obviously didn't read the whole article either. Fox News and conservative talk radio is the only forum out there that is giving us credible argument and criticism of the liberal agenda. The White House administration is now trying to marginalize Fox News by promoting the idea that it isn't a legitimate news network. I never said they were shutting it down. The article states that the WH is only promoting the liberal national media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN). The article also questions why the WH admin. won't do interviews, etc. with FOX. FOX has invited WH officials to participate in debate and discussion but the WH is afraid to answer or participate because they can't justify their liberal agenda. Their agenda is strictly to move the country away from capitalism into a governmental system that has been proven by history time and time again to be unsuccessful. The way the White House and it's administration is operating with this PERSONAL attack on one of their own NEWS NETWORKS is facist! They are trying to tell us how to feel, what to think, what is important to us. That's not freedom. That's the way Sadam Hussein and Ahmadenijad operates with Al-Jazeera. I've got to imagine you don't understand the whole idea of the Fairness Doctrine then either since you're argument was the whole "free speech" thing. Read up on the Fairness Doctrine and how it would affect free speech and capitalism and then let's see if you still agree with the democratic liberal agenda!

Dude you are good. !!!!! enjoy reading your post. I ain';t that smart. But I do know that if the WH is so worried about Fox then there must be something to what they are doing or the WH would just ignore them wouldn't they?


Well-Known Member
You know, Jax, at the last meeting of the Instutitute on Jaxian Research we decided that there really wasn't anything TO figure out. Our early studies indicated that the rate at which falsehoods seep out of what passes for your brain and work their way across the interwebs was SO high, that no further studies were required. Case closed.


Well-Known Member
Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years

The decline in Barack Obama's popularity since July has been the steepest of any president at the same stage of his first term for more than 50 years.

By Toby Harnden in Washington
Published: 7:38PM BST 22 Oct 2009

Barack Obama's popularity has fallen steeply since being elected last year Photo: AFP

Gallup recorded an average daily approval rating of 53 per cent for Mr Obama for the third quarter of the year, a sharp drop from the 62 per cent he recorded from April.
His current approval rating – hovering just above the level that would make re-election an uphill struggle – is close to the bottom for newly-elected president. Mr Obama entered the White House with a soaring 78 per cent approval rating.

The bad polling news came as Mr Obama returned to the campaign trail to prevent his Democratic party losing two governorships next month in states in which he defeated Senator John McCain in last November's election.
Jeffrey Jones of Gallup explained: "The dominant political focus for Obama in the third quarter was the push for health care reform, including his nationally televised address to Congress in early September.
"Obama hoped that Congress would vote on health care legislation before its August recess, but that goal was missed, and some members of Congress faced angry constituents at town hall meetings to discuss health care reform. Meanwhile, unemployment continued to climb near 10 per cent."
Governor Jon Corzine of New Jersey is in severe danger of defeat while Democrats are fast losing hope that Creigh Deeds can beat his Republican opponent in Virginia. Twin Democratic losses would be a major blow to Mr Obama's prestige.
Campaigning for Mr Corzine in Hackensack on Wednesday night, Mr Obama delivered a plea that almost seemed as much for himself as the local candidate: "I'm here today to urge you to cast aside the cynics and the sceptics, and prove to all Americans that leaders who do what's right and who do what's hard will be rewarded and not rejected."
Mr Corzine, a former Goldman Sachs executive and multi-millionaire, is currently running even in New Jersey, which is normally comfortably Democratic, while Mr Deeds is trailing badly in Virginia, a swing state that was key to Mr Obama's 2008 victory.
Mr Obama is also facing widespread criticism for his drawn-out decision-making process over what to do next in Afghanistan.
Republicans sense Mr Obama is in a vulnerable position and this week saw the return to the public stage of his perhaps most vehement opponent – Vice-President Dick Cheney.
In a blistering speech on Wednesday night, he accused Mr Obama of failing to give Americans troops on the ground a clear mission or defined goals and of being seemingly "afraid to make a decision" about Afghanistan "The White House must stop dithering while America's armed forces are in danger," Cheney said at the Center for Security Policy in Washington.
"Make no mistake, signals of indecision out of Washington hurt our allies and embolden our adversaries."
He hit out at Obama aides who suggested that the Bush administration had failed to weigh up conditions in Afghanistan properly before committing troops.
"Now they seem to be pulling back and blaming others for their failure to implement the strategy they embraced. It's time for President Obama to do what it takes to win a war he has repeatedly and rightly called a war of necessity."

Big P

Well-Known Member
the ship is sinking before it even got out to sea, the crew refuse to believe it and the captain is balming everyone else but himself



Well-Known Member
Look people, when Obama took office his approval rating was almost 80%. 80%!!! The highest presidential approval rating in 20 years, and you want to cite the fact that it's dropped (since he took office with the highest approval rating in 20 years) as some kind of proof that people are against him? People are ALWAYS against the president. This isn't something new, folks.

The polls show that Obama is REGAINING approval. In other words, his ratings are CLIMBING now. Does he need another 80% approval rating to have majority support? No, he doesn't. In fact, I believe "majority" kicks in at 51%, right?

You can't compare Obama's approval rating TODAY with his approval rating WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE and say that it proves ANYTHING other than a president not being able to sustain a 20 year high approval rating for the first year of his first term.
You're posting articles from the UK equivalent of Fox News as your "evidence"? All that proves is that they can talk out of their asses in the UK AND the USA

Here it is again, the latest spread, clearly showing Obama's approval is pretty much in line with the average presidential approval ratings of just about every other president in history. 52 isn't particularly low, and you repeatedly fail to point out that his lowest average rating has never dropped below 51%. Sure it may have dropped from a ridiculously high 80% when he took office, but that doesn't prove a damn thing, either.

And again, his approval rating when he took office was pretty freaking high - let's be honest, did YOU expect it to remain at anywhere near 80% once he stopped campaigning and actually started trying to get things done?

And why is it that when he was JUST TALKING about doing things and not actually doing them, people approved. Now he's doing the things he talked about and people are taking issue with it? Uh....:confused:


Well-Known Member
Obama knows he is in big trouble or he would not have picked this fight with Fox News...This is going to be very entertaining.

Here is an interesting piece from 10/22 NYT....
Fascinating overview on the preliminary manuevering of the two combatants.

And FWIW this NYT article is fair and balanced...IMO!:mrgreen:

Behind the War Between White House and Fox

Published: October 22, 2009
WASHINGTON — Late last month, the senior White House adviser David Axelrod and Roger Ailes, chairman and chief executive of Fox News, met in an empty Palm steakhouse before it opened for the day, neutral ground secured for a secret tête-à-tête.
Full article:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/23/us/politics/23fox.html?_r=1


New Member
Boy, that article sure makes Obama look like the kind of President we've all been hoping for. That paper is being KIND to Obama and look at how he comes off..... it's pitiful.


Well-Known Member
Yes Mr. Jax.
It is deplorable behavior on the part of Obama.
It occurs to me that he seems to have very little, if any respect for the office he holds.
He is obviously devoid of any semblance of CLASS!

Big P

Well-Known Member
read it and weep


A White House effort to undermine conservative critics is generating a backlash on Capitol Hill — and not just from Republicans.

“It’s a mistake,” said Rep. Jason Altmire, a moderate Democrat from western Pennsylvania. “I think it’s beneath the White House to get into a tit for tat with news organizations.”

Altmire was talking about the Obama administration’s efforts to undercut Fox News. But he said his remarks applied just the same to White House efforts to marginalize the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a powerful business lobby targeted for its opposition to climate change legislation.

“There’s no reason to gratuitously piss off all those companies,” added another Democrat, Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia. “The Chamber isn’t an opponent.”

POLITICO reported earlier this week on an all-fronts push by the White House to cut the legs out from under its toughest critics, whether it’s the Chamber, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck and the rest of the Fox News operation.

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has defended the push, saying the administration made “a fundamental decision that we needed to be more aggressive in both protecting our position and in delineating our differences with those who were attacking us.”

Congressional Republicans counterattacked Thursday. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the administration was “targeting those who don’t immediately fall in line” with “Chicago-style politics” aimed at “shutting the American people out and demonizing their opponents.”

Boehner’s No. 2, Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) complained that the nation’s problems are growing while the White House “bickers with a cable news network.”

Liberal Democrats have little heartburn over the administration’s attacks on Fox and Limbaugh. But the attacks make moderates uneasy — especially when they extend to the Chamber of Commerce.

While Limbaugh and Fox commentators like Beck make no secret of their dislike for Democrats, the Chamber’s Republican lean is partially counteracted by nominal and financial support for pro-business Democrats who need to win votes from pro-business Republicans. The campaign websites of moderate Democrats from across the country are filled with endorsements from the Chamber of Commerce.

Rep. Brad Ellsworth of Indiana, for example, has this testimonial from a Chamber official on his site: “On issues ranging from lowering taxes to increasing trade, Indiana’s businesses and workers have no better friend than Brad Ellsworth.”

Ellsworth got a $5,000 campaign contribution from the Chamber in the past election.

Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), another recipient of a Chamber contribution, said Thursday that he had no intention of stepping into the middle of a fight between the White House and the Chamber, but he did note that he had won an award for his voting record from the national Chamber of Commerce.

A senior House Democrat, speaking on the condition of anonymity while questioning the wisdom of the White House strategy, said: “I have no problem with [going after] Rush at all. I don’t have much of a problem with Fox. I think the Chamber’s another story.”

The Democrat took issue with Chamber leaders in Washington, who he said “do not do a good job of representing the interests of their members.” But he also acknowledged the benefits the Chamber’s goodwill can confer on certain segments of the caucus.

He said that the White House is trying to “take advantage of the discontent within the Chamber. Several flagship companies, including Apple and PG&E, have cut ties with the Chamber to protest its opposition to the climate change legislation that passed the House earlier this year.

Some Democratic critics of the White House attacks say it may strengthen the relationship between the Chamber and moderate Democrats in Congress, who will fast become the organization’s best hope for addressing its concerns if it is frozen out by the White House.

“I don’t think the White House’s relationship with the Chamber will have any effect on individual members’ relationships with the Chamber,” said Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, a centrist Democrat. “I think we’ll be judged on how we conduct ourselves.”


New Member
Makes you wonder exactly what Obama told the room full of left wing journalists in private. No righties allowed.... :lol: now that is an open govt. So what did he tell them?

Scolded them for not attacking FOX enough? Obama is trying to muzzle any opposition..... his policies are that atrocious...he fears the light of day.

Welcome to Vampire politics.

Truly a one term President.