White guy killer syndrome, Elliot Rodger’s deadly, privileged rage

Is this racist? Sexist? Accurate? Or is it just the normal propaganda (Buck, take note) from progressives?

White. Male. Privilege. The credo of the left. Practitioners of socially acceptable sexism, and racism.


Welp. Another young white guy has decided that his disillusionment with his life should become somebody else’s problem. On Saturday, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger (who, as many commenters have pointed out, had a white father and mother of Asian descent) went on a killing spree on the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara, murdering his three roommates, shooting women outside a sorority house, and hitting people with his car as he attempted to get away from police.

How many times must troubled young white men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for everyone before we admit that white male privilege kills?
"White" male privilege...lmao. Hmm. My dad was a crackhead - gone before I was born - and my mom was on welfare raising us, working 60 hours / week and still choosing between gas money or food. How privileged. Maybe I should go on a rampage.

How about mental illness, societal problems, and the disintegration of "community" in America? Oh and treating mental illness with drugs that make you go even more insane when you don't take them, or with imprisonment if your insanity is overlooked. That seems to work great too.

BTW my "white" male privilege of being dirt poor made me strive to never live that way when I became independent. I was a shit head when I was a kid, but try my best to be a productive member of this society these days. I work damn hard for what I've got and being white hasn't done shit for me - Only my experiences and people throughout my life that have influenced me have affected the way I am (n maybe genetics to an extent). I'm 22 with a full time job, 3 additional "supplemental" income sources, a house, 3 cars and 0 murders under my belt. None of that is because of a racial privilege. Only thing I feel privileged to have is life itself and to an extent the opportunity of being born American. Someday people will realize that absolutely nothing besides appearance is affected by skin color, and not everything (if anything) can be explained with race.
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You're a liar and a fraud. LIAR EXTRAORDINAIRE. I called you out, but you have nothing. Nothing, except lies. Like your messiah.
Lmao every other thread is like UB vs the RIU community...i don't get why dude rubs everyone the wrong way...haven't seen anything from him that really bothered me unless it was blatantly trolling which is easy to disregard. Oh and the gay Rand Paul scene kinda fucks me up a little, but I don't like that nutjob anyways so there's some humor lol...
Lmao every other thread is like UB vs the RIU community...i don't get why dude rubs everyone the wrong way...haven't seen anything from him that really bothered me unless it was blatantly trolling which is easy to disregard. Oh and the gay Rand Paul scene kinda fucks me up a little, but I don't like that nutjob anyways so there's some humor lol...

people who aren't racist don't have the same response to me as old coots like greendummy.
Lmao every other thread is like UB vs the RIU community...i don't get why dude rubs everyone the wrong way...haven't seen anything from him that really bothered me unless it was blatantly trolling which is easy to disregard. Oh and the gay Rand Paul scene kinda fucks me up a little, but I don't like that nutjob anyways so there's some humor lol...

Buck stalked me across the internet, posted personal info about me here, claimed for months that Desert Dude was a DEA agent and told everyone so, joined stormfront with Red's moniker and tried to pass it off as Red, started a white supremest group so he could call the members racist and calls anyone without his views racist without backing it up. He continually changes the meaning of posts and claims people say things they didn't. He's had members banned, but grows a decent plant so he's got that going for him.

There is no person here who attacks Buck that wasn't attacked by him first.
Lmao every other thread is like UB vs the RIU community...i don't get why dude rubs everyone the wrong way...haven't seen anything from him that really bothered me unless it was blatantly trolling which is easy to disregard. Oh and the gay Rand Paul scene kinda fucks me up a little, but I don't like that nutjob anyways so there's some humor lol...

Buck is like a woman with Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). His remarks alone on their own, aren't so bad. But, he uses things specific towards an individual which mean something personal. It's hateful.

How would you like it if one day you got drunk and high, then admitted your wife and kids burned up in a fire. He's the type of person to show videos of people burning to you.
Hitler was fucked up but thought his actions were for the betterment of the German people. Buck doesn't give a fuck about anyone, he's mean just to be mean.
Little "white male privilege" going on too..can't forget that ;)

Dude clearly had mental health issues (possibly syphilis?), but I certainly can't find any sympathy for what he did lol. Would love to go back and cook that motherfucker in an oven.
Buck stalked me across the internet, posted personal info about me here, claimed for months that Desert Dude was a DEA agent and told everyone so, joined stormfront with Red's moniker and tried to pass it off as Red, started a white supremest group so he could call the members racist and calls anyone without his views racist without backing it up. He continually changes the meaning of posts and claims people say things they didn't. He's had members banned, but grows a decent plant so he's got that going for him.

There is no person here who attacks Buck that wasn't attacked by him first.

minus the growing part, not a single thing you said was true.
Little "white male privilege" going on too..can't forget that ;)

Dude clearly had mental health issues (possibly syphilis?), but I certainly can't find any sympathy for what he did lol. Would love to go back and cook that motherfucker in an oven.

There's no sympathy going on. There's no excusing what Hitler did.

While Buck attacks me because I'm not his bitch. I don't agree with abortion, because it's taking a life and life is sacred. Which goes against my Buddhist and vegan philosophy.

He also has issues I think that thought police is wrong. I don't care what views you have, that's your right. I can choose not to associate with you, and others may do so as well. Where he differs is he thinks we need to force people not to have thoughts which aren't approved. Just those thoughts alone or asking questions about them is wrong. If it's wrong thought it's not permitted thought. I think that's wrong. People can have any thoughts they want, it's actions I'm concerned with.

That's why I say in a way, he's worse than Hitler.