White fuzz?


New Member
Hello everyone, second time doing a outdoor grow not counting a time in my youth where I chucked a bunch of plants down in a swamp and they were stolen.

This year I was lucky enough that some of the wife's plants didn't take in the garden cause critters got in there after she planted and caused a mess, so I was able to put two plants in the nice garden soil.

So anyways, I'm getting close to ready I believe now it's just a game with the weather and fighting the rain.

I've got some white fuzz going with random buds, seems to be more common where things get more shade etc.

Is this a type of mould? Or am I dealing with some sort of bug?

Best bet to cut out the effected buds at the stem?

Cut just the leaves with it on them and carefully remove?

Or give them a good spray down with something and rinse off lightly with the garden hose?

I have citric acid powder and a sprayer I can mix it into if that would take care of whatever it is. Just don't want to burn up the plants now so close to the end.



New Member
Southern Ontario for me. Last couple weeks have just been rain rain rain.

Trimmed more fan leaves off yesterday to hopefully get more airflow throughout this next week of rain. 4 out of 5 days call for rain and clouds


Active Member
Southern Ontario for me. Last couple weeks have just been rain rain rain.

Trimmed more fan leaves off yesterday to hopefully get more airflow throughout this next week of rain. 4 out of 5 days call for rain and clouds
Southern VA and yeah just rain, rain, rain. Luckily I grow indoors but my brother and uncle both grow outdoors together. Both have caught alternaria and spots of bud rot in their gardens they had to cut out. They both cut their plants prematurely (3 weeks or so) today to try and get a dry ahead of the spread. I hate that for anyone, weather just isn't playing fair lately.