white fur on the stem


there seem to be some white fur on the stem of the plant. anyone have any idea on what is? below is a picture, sorry can seem to get a better picture but you can kinda see white off of it.



It's normal as far as I know.

And your plant seems to be really stretching for light. Don't let it stretch too much or put a fan on it to make the main stem stronger.


thanks, haven't been getting much sun lately around here. have been cloudy, raining on & off. how can you tell if the plant is sad?


Well-Known Member
you can also put more soil in your pot! you got alot of empty spcace in there! put more soil in and the part or the stem thats get coverd will end up sprouting roots off it! and with more soil in there it will steady you plant so it wont start to lean over!


Active Member
In the seedling stage tall is made. That is called stretching. Put it under aeven a CFL and it will do beter.


Well-Known Member
yea! putting it under some cfl`s will stop the streaching! i keep my lights a few inches from the tops!


okay I have put my plant under a cfl like you guys said. this is how it looked like the first day I put it under the cfl.

and this is how it's looking now after 2 days under the light. the light is actually 2.5 inches away from the plant, I had to move the light to get a better shot.
I am also using a 36w. is that enough?



Active Member
as mentioned before in this post, make sure you get a fan on it so it can produce the wind needed to grow strong and healthy stems, remember you are trying to recreate nature in your grow space. :leaf:


New Member
I'd get more CFL's and put them closer to the plant. That looks REALLY stretched. Thats boarderline.... much more and it'd be gone. I'd definatly top up with soil coz otherwise im pretty sure it'll just fall and die.


well I have it by my window and there's wind blowing in. I can see the plant move a little. will that work?


how much more soil should I put and how will I know when to water it since the soil I'm gonna add is dry. enough time for what?


New Member
I'd fill the pot up carfully around the stem untill its full to the top. Then i'd give it a good water and then leave it for the rest of the day, just make sure a fan and lights get sorted coz it's still gunner be stretching and not getting and stronger, so it'll just end up falling over as soon as the serrated leaves start growing.