white flys?


today i did a head to toe check on my plant and found white fly's under my fan leaves. i have heard/read that its going to be a problem. i wanted to know if anyone had a good homemade organic recipe for pesticide. this plant is for my mother in law who has MS/fibro and wants it all organic. i did some searchin around and found something called "Florida fire water" witch is basically dawn dish soap and a verity of chile peppers. since you cant always trust what you read on the interwed i just thought id see what you guys think. any feedback would be awesome!
It might treat the problem for a bit but it wont get rid of it, I would get yellow sticky fly traps those work really good since they disrupt the ife cycle.

Also pytherium bug bomb deprived from [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]chrysanthemum flowers, not the most organic way but its a 100% sure way. I've use it before in a indoor ops that was ridiculously covered with white flies and it got rid of the problem at 100%. [/FONT]
It might treat the problem for a bit but it wont get rid of it, I would get yellow sticky fly traps those work really good since they disrupt the ife cycle.

Also pytherium bug bomb deprived from chrysanthemum flowers, not the most organic way but its a 100% sure way. I've use it before in a indoor ops that was ridiculously covered with white flies and it got rid of the problem at 100%.

i havnt started flowering yet, i was planing on starting tomorrow should i wait to flower till ive bombed?