White Flies


Active Member
I have a small amount of white flies infesting my plants, I am almost 2 weeks into flowering a heavy sativa, What is the best solution to get rid of these things without affecting the plant and bud?


Active Member
I haven't seen any damage done to the plant yet, any idea how long it takes for these guys to start doing real damage? I noticed them about week ago, and was unsure what they were just thought maybe a passing insect checking out the plant, but they have decided to make it there home now, so I need to do something about it before it gets worse, seems most things are suggesting insecticide soaps, I just hope that it will eliminate them. I could also be wrong, they could by flying Aphids, but they have not changed color in the past week, so why Iam assuming they are white flies. almost the size of a pin head.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Azamax my friend, feed it to your plant once a week at about
3 mL per gallon for the next 3-4 weeks.

it is a great organic insecticide


Active Member
I ended up buying Shultz insecticide soap, looked like it took care of most of them, will apply another spray from one week, see if it removes them completely.


Active Member
Anyone know if its ok to Spray the plants every other day or something, I sprayed with insecticide soap and it hasn't solved my problem yet, its only been one day, should I wait and do what the instructions say, once a week, or can I speed the process up and still be safe to the plant?

Using Schultz Soap