White Fire, The White, Strawberry Sour Diesel, and Sensi Star


Well-Known Member
So I am saving all of my sugar trim this time, so I can make some dry ice hash with my bubble bags. The last time I made some it turned out pretty good. I just need to find a better way of smoking it. I haven't been able to find any concentrate utensils locally until recently. I'm going to go check them out sometime soon, so I can buy something. I will post some pics of whatever I end up getting.

The SSD is almost dry enough to put into jars. I will probably be able to sometime tonight. Maybe tomorrow morning. Man this shit wreeks of strawberries and skunk. I hope it tastes half as good as it smells and has the buzz to match. It looks like a real winner.


Well-Known Member
I can't figure out why I am not getting any traffic on this thread with these strains at all, and that surprises me. I really figured people would be more interested in this grow than people are. Oh well, their loss! Lol! I am thinking that this could be my best run yet over my 2 years of indoor growing. All I can say is that it looks and smells great, and I cannot wait to get to try this shit out! I can see all my friends coming out of the woodwork to try and get theiur hands on some of this DANK! I was just over at my buddies who is growing under a 400w like me, and he has HSO's Blue Dream, Dinafem Critical+, DNA Kosher Kush, and Barney's Farm Liberty Haze. The Kosher Kush is pretty nice looking and smelling at about a month into flowering. The Blue Dream is what really impressed me with it's smell and it's plant structure. It strikes me as a plant that would be great for outdoors. It is getting big and taking over his grow. Not to stretchy though. The Liberty Haze still hasn't formed it's buds at all. It is so slow. I can see it flowering for 12 weeks easily from the way that it lookks now. The Critical is flowering really slow as well which is surprising because I thought that it would be the 1st plant to finish up. I think it is like 7-8 weeks strain. I gguess he got the wrong pheno, or maybe it will finish fast. It is unimpressive as far as the smell goes right now too. I have a couple HSO Blue Dream's in the seed vault, and I'm glad too. Anyways I will get some pics the next time I am over there just to give people a look at these strains.

Excellent journal kentuckyboy, I've been following your thread because i was curious to see how the boys of KY are doing. Even more interesting you seem to have every strain I do which is why I've been staying tuned. Keep up the good work.

I just left Marion, Kentucky for a family reunion and plan to eventually move up there to start a project.
You should get a Kentucky growers thread started lol


Well-Known Member
Excellent journal kentuckyboy, I've been following your thread because i was curious to see how the boys of KY are doing. Even more interesting you seem to have every strain I do which is why I've been staying tuned. Keep up the good work.

I just left Marion, Kentucky for a family reunion and plan to eventually move up there to start a project.
You should get a Kentucky growers thread started lol
Thanks for the props man! It's always good to see my Kentucky peeps on here. Lol! Over the past couple years I have only met a handful of people from KY on here, but you know it could be a good idea to start a KY thread. I might just do that.


Well-Known Member
I just finished putting my Strawberry Sour Diesel into jars. This strain smells fucking amazing! I know I have said this over and over in my posts, but she really does smell that good to me. She is an extremely stinky strain. My carbon filter didn't help much with this one and my Wifi. I ended up getting 2 mason jars full of rock hard buds that are sticky as all get out! The buds have retained all the smell after drying with no green smell at all. I will post my final dry weights tomorrow or something. I will be harvesting my stretchy Wifi sometime today. She looks well done to me. I bet she is going to be a bitch to trim, but I will get her done! The other Wifi still looks like it needs another week. My Cherry Puff looks finished too. I will be harvesting the Cherry Puff after the Wifi that I am doing today.


Well-Known Member
Well I got my tester beans from the Gage Green Guys today. The strain is 5k x OG cross. I don't know anything else about it either. I'm going to have to check into it. Anyways I got 15 beans to play around with, so I'm hoping to get something special for sure.

Okay so down to business. I am about ready to start harvesting my Wifi. I just took some pics, so I figured I would go ahead and post them. Here they are:

White Fire


Well-Known Member
I got to try a joint out of the Wifi that I chopped a few days ago. I had accidently clipped off a bud while I was trimming, and it dried out faster than the buds that are on branches. Man this bud is just beautiful looking. It has these long bright orange/red colored pistils over top this light green colored buds. Then there is like a super layer of crystals all over the buds that just glisten when light hits them. So when I started to cut the bud up to smoke it I was hit in the face with this really strong skunky smell that just made me salivate. The buds are kind of dense, but they do have a little give to them. This shit is pretty strong as far the the buzz goes. It tastes like fuel with a skunky undertone. Not a complex flavor but it is still nice. Overall I have to rate this a 9/10.


Well-Known Member
That's exciting man, everything looks good. That ssd has really got my attention, what breeder was that from? I may just have to pick up some beans. But it all looks great man! That sucks about the sensi star, I harvested my pineapple express and I'm having a similar feeling. Its still drying for the most part but I had a dried tester nug and the flavor just wasn't there like I like. Smells ok, and smoked really good with a nice stone I'm really hoping a longer jar cure will bring out the best in both qualities. But again man looks great! Enjoy that smoke! I think I'm gonna pop both of my hso strains next with sour blueberry and pineapple skunk. Then I need to place an order ssd may have to be on it!


Well-Known Member
That's exciting man, everything looks good. That ssd has really got my attention, what breeder was that from? I may just have to pick up some beans. But it all looks great man! That sucks about the sensi star, I harvested my pineapple express and I'm having a similar feeling. Its still drying for the most part but I had a dried tester nug and the flavor just wasn't there like I like. Smells ok, and smoked really good with a nice stone I'm really hoping a longer jar cure will bring out the best in both qualities. But again man looks great! Enjoy that smoke! I think I'm gonna pop both of my hso strains next with sour blueberry and pineapple skunk. Then I need to place an order ssd may have to be on it!
My PE tasted great. It didn't really have a strong pineapple taste, but I still liked it. It was the best strain that I grew out last run. It got better with the cure too. The taste came out more after some time. Anyways the SSD is from Devil's Harvest. They still have 5 pk. of feminized SSD in stock at Attitude for around $50-$55. The SSD lost some of the strawberry flavor in the taste, but the Sour D came out. Overall I really like it. It is one of my favorites hands down. This shit makes me cough my head off. It doesn't have that knock down stone. It has a more of a sativa buzz. Nice for an anytime smoke. It stinks to high heaven too! Odor control is a must for this one.


Well-Known Member
I just weighed up my White Fire and put it into jars. I got a total of 2 1/2 ozs. of dried buds. Not to shabby but not great either. I thought I was going to get closer to 3 ozs, but it is what it is. I'm starting to chop my other 2 plants down which are the Cherry Puff and the other Wifi. The Wifi is all burnt up, so it doesn't look very pretty. It will smoke though. Lol! Anyways I will post some pics of the Cherry Puff shortly.


Well-Known Member
I just weighed up my White Fire and put it into jars. I got a total of 2 1/2 ozs. of dried buds. Not to shabby but not great either. I thought I was going to get closer to 3 ozs, but it is what it is. I'm starting to chop my other 2 plants down which are the Cherry Puff and the other Wifi. The Wifi is all burnt up, so it doesn't look very pretty. It will smoke though. Lol! Anyways I will post some pics of the Cherry Puff shortly.
At what height did you flower each wifi?


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the info! Sure enough you where right about the pe, its been in the jar a few days and the smell has really started coming out. The flavor has improved too. Its not that the flavor is bad because its not it just wasn't what I was expecting. I was hoping for more of the fruity flavor that it smelled like growing. Its got a very nice flavor. I've actually got another one in flower now with another querkle to run one more harvest while I veg out my hso beans. I kinda got put on halt as my 400w veg ballast caught fire and burned up so I'm just running my 600 flowering tent till the replacement gets here and I can get back on track. It scared the shit out of me walking into a grow room full of smoke so I'm just glad it didn't go worse I can get my harvests back on track as long as my house isn't burned down


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the info! Sure enough you where right about the pe, its been in the jar a few days and the smell has really started coming out. The flavor has improved too. Its not that the flavor is bad because its not it just wasn't what I was expecting. I was hoping for more of the fruity flavor that it smelled like growing. Its got a very nice flavor. I've actually got another one in flower now with another querkle to run one more harvest while I veg out my hso beans. I kinda got put on halt as my 400w veg ballast caught fire and burned up so I'm just running my 600 flowering tent till the replacement gets here and I can get back on track. It scared the shit out of me walking into a grow room full of smoke so I'm just glad it didn't go worse I can get my harvests back on track as long as my house isn't burned down
I read your post about your ballast catching fire the other day on another thread. It's funny because I was thinking about how I haven't had any issues with mine. But then yesterday after I switched my hps bulb out for the mh my light started messing up. It looks like I am going to have to buy another light. Which sucks, because I was going to buy some GGG Grape Puff seeds when they drop again at Attitude on August 1st. I guess I am going to get a better hood than the cooltube that I already have. It doesn't spread the light out all that well. I got to smoke a joint of that HSO Blue Dream, and I loved it. It has a nice fruity blueberry reminiscient smell with a hazey undertone. I helped my buddy harvest her and the buds were massive. It yielded really good! The buds weren't as dense as I would have liked, but they were not airy or anything. I'm trading some of mine for some of his. I am glad that I started one of those for sure!


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man I was curious about there blue dream, I'm gonna be putting the sour blueberry and pineapple skunk in wet paper towels today


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man I was curious about there blue dream, I'm gonna be putting the sour blueberry and pineapple skunk in wet paper towels today
I've heard some good things about their Pineapple Skunk. I heard it is a real stinker! Lol! I am just loving this Blue Dream. I almost like it as much as what I grew. Shit I might just like the BD even more. It is that good. The smell just completely carries over to the taste. I got slammed the other day ere on RIU for posting a thread about HSO having that new strain Emdog with B-Real from Cypress Hill. Everyone was just hating on HSO saying that their genetics are bunk and that you get get better from other breeder's and get original strains. I admit that I was leery about HSO when I first seen them, but I had heard sme good solid reviews on a couple of their strains. I figured wtf and bought a pack and got a few freebies. Boy I am glad that I did too. I gave my buddy a Sour D #2 that he started a few weeks back. Maybe it will be a descent representation of Sour D. The Pineapple Skunk sounds really promising. I just love skunky strains. I don't care about growing stinky one's though. Scares the shit out of me when the smell gets that bad. I have always thought the best strains were the stinkiest one's. Lol!


Well-Known Member
It's going to cost me around $200 for a new ballast, hood, and 1 mh and 1 hps bulb. The ironic thing is my light started working again yesterday. Well it started working with a hps bulb in it. The mh will not work, so I still have to buy the new one that I picked out. I think the new hood will benefit me quite a bit during future grows. It is an air cooled hood with glass. It is rectangular in shape. The demensions are a bit bigger than the cooltube, but it will still fit in my closet.


Well-Known Member
I saw the thread you are referring to on hso and I agree, I know its a UK based breeder that is trying to bank on the Humboldt name but so what. If they have good seeds and they are nicely priced ill give them a chance. Seeds is a money game, everyone is after it. I may do a journal on them, It sucks that I log in through my phone I can't post any pictures. Oh well, I hear you on the light. I will say this about ipower they stay on top of there customer service. If this return goes this smoothly then I've been very lucky. I bought a yeild master hood two grows back when I upgraded to 600w virtual sun ballast and I'm much much more pleased its rectangular with the glass cover. I love those stinky strains too man, that's what peaked me with your ssd when you said it didn't really get s chlorophyll smell and went straight to stink lol I've got one like that I like to grow out. Stink says it all to me lol I wanna smell it being broke up across the room. And as far as that blue dream I may have to give that a run next depending on how this sour blueberry runs. It had next to no reviews when I was searching on it.


Well-Known Member
I saw the thread you are referring to on hso and I agree, I know its a UK based breeder that is trying to bank on the Humboldt name but so what. If they have good seeds and they are nicely priced ill give them a chance. Seeds is a money game, everyone is after it. I may do a journal on them, It sucks that I log in through my phone I can't post any pictures. Oh well, I hear you on the light. I will say this about ipower they stay on top of there customer service. If this return goes this smoothly then I've been very lucky. I bought a yeild master hood two grows back when I upgraded to 600w virtual sun ballast and I'm much much more pleased its rectangular with the glass cover. I love those stinky strains too man, that's what peaked me with your ssd when you said it didn't really get s chlorophyll smell and went straight to stink lol I've got one like that I like to grow out. Stink says it all to me lol I wanna smell it being broke up across the room. And as far as that blue dream I may have to give that a run next depending on how this sour blueberry runs. It had next to no reviews when I was searching on it.
I was checking out the ipower shit on ebay, and I actually found a ballast and hood a little cheaper than the one I was going to get and currently have. It is a Revolt ballast that I am referring to. Let me know how this works out for you? Would you recommend me buying this brand or not? Kind of scared after your story. Lol!


Well-Known Member
yo all yo subjects showin up mighty fine dere bro
nice subjects nice shots nice job on grow

only gal i had da pleasure of meeting was white fire the white nthis time looks like you only run a tent also
i got four inda oven bakin getin ready im in weeks 5 an 6 on current gro