white film on leaves, not mold?

I have a white film on some of my plant leaves, especially the lower leaves. It doesn't seem to be mold, though it could be. It's also on my clones, that I spray w/ bottled water. Is it possible that it is from my nutrients? It looks the same as the film left over in my nutrient buckets. :peace:

Robert Paulson

Active Member
it's most likely powdery mold and will very quickly spread. when did you first notice it?

i had a pm problem a few days ago mixed up 1 part milk to 9 parts water and sprayed them down and the problem was gone w/i the day, repeat treatments are necessary just in case/. However if you do not change the conditions in yr room it will just keep coming back. what's the humidity/temp. generally pm likes a cooler climate with high humidity.

check out the threads i've started, you will most likely find some useful info.

also google search "got mildew, get milk"


Active Member
You described pm to a "T" it will often start on the lower and inner leaves due to poor circulation and high humidity levels.


Active Member
There's some foliar sprays that work well with powdery mildew as I understand it. Plant Defender and some other stuff. I'm actually picking some up after work today for one of the grow sites. A fan broke down in the Veg room and the powder just started to show itself.

Keep in mind that once you have it, YOU HAVE IT EVERYWHERE in your room because it's airborn. So don't just foliar spray the affected plants, spray them ALL. It takes about a week or so to rid your room.

You'll notice that if you have your plants close together (leaves touching leaves of other plants), you'll get some condensation on the lower leave that is touching the other one. That means you have a prime breeding ground for this crap.

Lower the humidity and increase the air flow. You don't want condensation building up on your plants in an indoor room.