white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.


Active Member
hey guys n girls i was wondering if anybody could help me.

I am noticing an increasing problem of dots on my leaves.. I thought it was an old problem from when i had a slight case of damping off which seems to have sorted itself out with the use of Dutch Master Gold Range Zone (i would highly recommend as it sorted what seemed to pythium wilt within days) and also maybe due to the fact the seedlings have toughened up a fair bit.

So i just presumed the dots came from spraying the plants under hps during th earlier days. However, the dots are not showing newer leaves on some girls and also getting worse on affected leaves.. I presume I have some kind of bug or bacteria etc..

The girls seem to be growing fine.. They are autoflowering plants and have started showing pistils.. I changed to bloom nutes yesterday and want to get this problem, sorted.

I trust many of you guys will know exactly what the problem is.. this is my first grow have done research on the matter and have a couple of potential solutions but dont want to solve problem that doesnt apply to my plants.. so please check out the pics.

Pics are of the most affected leaves..

As you can see the problem is starting on lower leaves and is spreading upwards. Affected plants are showing signs of yellowing leaves.

Upon further inspection today i reaslised my healthiest greenest plant is showing white dots. Is this the same problem?

I am growing in nft with rockwool medium.. water pumps turn off during dark hours.

Any help is gold. I will try give reps for replys if i figure out how to lol.



Active Member
This is my worst affected. The leaves on this girl seem to be curling up as if the plant is being attacked.. Leaf is drying up and dying.



Active Member
Oh wow... when I first read the title I instantly clicked on it thinking it was a Dr. Suess book called White Dots, Black Dots Brown Dots.... Then I remembered that Dr. Suess book was called One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish...... LMAO sorry, Maybe I should put the pipe down for a few.


Active Member
I don't think its a ph problem. When I add my nutes to tap water left for a few hours.. Check ph after an hour or so and it has shifted to 5.5 itself without the use of ph down.

I am using canna aqua

So housing think it's an infestation?

Please write your thoights.. So Many views so little serious replies to what may be a serious problem for me


Well-Known Member
Look on the under sides of the leaves with a Magnifying glass... It really sounds like some sort of BUG problem. But it could be a number of things, really. :/
I had a spider mite infestation last year, about 6 weeks into flowering. Had to scrap everything and santize my grow area due to the infestation.. Thinking back, the leaves looked like yours in places.
I say BUGS.


Active Member
Currently using Dutch master gold range zone and cannazyme.

Would anyone recommend using a pest strip?

Any other additives? Any sprays?

I am willing to do anything to control the situation until harvest.


Well-Known Member
So you are using canna aqua line up. I use canna aqua too.

What is happening in your Res?

EC or PPM rising or falling daily?

pH drifting too much on a daily basis?

Give me some of your res statistics.

I haven't seen this problem using canna myself, are you using the full line of canna with the exception of the Dutch master zone?
