White Dots: Are Those Mites?


My plants have a few white dots, but one is much more affected. I read about mites but I see no webs. At the back of the leaf there are white dots that I think are mites but they don't move.

I spreyed twice with Bug-X twice already.But there are more dots now.


(photo's not too clear, but all I have is a cheap cell phone)

Plants are from seed and grown indoor, in soil, under Ho t5's and CFL'S. They are about 6 weeks old.Can I save these plants?

My other plants are not so bad:

2013-02-17 02.34.19.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think, turn the leaf over and look at it. there should be small moving dots on the undersides of the leaves that are affected. I hope im wrong. tommorow get some mighty wash just buy the gallon jug for 40 bucks. They dont go away...ever. Ladybugs are supposed to help if you have a sealed room or your working outdoors. Good luck :):):)


Active Member
mites live under the leaves, but those look like the bite marks they leave when they are done eating for the moment. flip ur leaf over and look for little black dots.

no matter how bad the infestation is they can always be saved. just take alot of work.

if u can get it where u live buy mighty wash. its the best tat i have found and u can use it in flowering. then about 3 days later hit them with azmax. that will make them so they cant lay anymore eggs. then in 3-4 more days mighty wash agian.

rinse the plants in between sprays. it will wash dead bugs away and help u be able to tell then they are gone.

just keep spraying them untill everything is gone


Well-Known Member
Also if theyre not in flower yet you can rip just about every one of those leaves off and theyll grow back even bigger than before. ;)They look pretty bad so id do it. The damage takes a coup,e days to show so thyre worse than they look now, no fear, defoliating will make extra new, extra better, extra awsome new better leaves for you and spray that mighty wash on every three days before lights out and keep watching for them. Theyll destroy a crop if left for seven days to run free :):):)


Well-Known Member
also, keep in mind the life cycle of the mite. they breed faster in hot, dry, still conditions and slower in cool, damp, windy conditions. you can't just spray once and be done, you have to spray in 3-5-7 day intervals to kill the mites once the eggs hatch.

it really is a game of containment rather than eradication.

that's why i love portland in the winter. i haven't even sprayed in months and have only noticed a few little damage spots here and there. in the summer, they'd have killed everything by now.


Thanks for the tips. I tried what Ninjabowler suggested and pulled out the worst leaves. Bug-X says it kills mites so I used that carefully under the leaves and all, for today. Monday I'll look into Mighty Wash.


Well-Known Member
Seriously check a defoliation thread when you get this problem under control, you dont want crap leaves fueling your plants growth. Its scary as hell but it does work. Nobody wants to do it at first but when you see what happens youll be tellin everyone to do it too :):):)


Well-Known Member
You need to get a few different treatments for mites and alternate between them don't just use one if it doesn't kill them they will become resilient to it


Active Member
i use a combo of organicide , neem, avid and floramite. always separately of course. avid will wipe them out in 3 applications but many will say dont use it and i agree if u are anywhere within 5 weeks of harvesting. good luck ur if for a fight buddy