White collar VS blue collar


New Member
Let me preface this with "I'm blue collar all the way". I'm not saying I'm better or worse than white collar and do not intend this thread to be my bashing of white collar individuals. This is strictly to get opinions on political views from both sides. Please preface your comments with which side you are from.
Now, from a blue collar point of view, corporations are the root of all evil. They do provide jobs to blue collar individuals, but the white collar dudes rule. Why does a "manager" that does nothing but shuffle papers all day deserve more than the skilled blue collar worker?


Well-Known Member
Let me preface this with "I'm blue collar all the way". I'm not saying I'm better or worse than white collar and do not intend this thread to be my bashing of white collar individuals. This is strictly to get opinions on political views from both sides. Please preface your comments with which side you are from.
Now, from a blue collar point of view, corporations are the root of all evil. They do provide jobs to blue collar individuals, but the white collar dudes rule. Why does a "manager" that does nothing but shuffle papers all day deserve more than the skilled blue collar worker?
Topless. From the topless point of view, any fool who works inside a building all day deserves the ire of his or her topless peers. What the hell are ya'll thinking? Come out into the sunshine and feel the warmth on your face! As for who deserves more, what the hell kind of question is that? If you have a cow and a chicken, who deserves to be eaten first, and don't give me any of that, "I'm a vegan" stuff, unless you're a vegan, I guess. Then you can marry the cow and make the chicken your best man. Or marry the chicken and make the cow your maid of honor. Or, just walk away, abandoning both.


New Member
Topless. From the topless point of view, any fool who works inside a building all day deserves the ire of his or her topless peers. What the hell are ya'll thinking? Come out into the sunshine and feel the warmth on your face! As for who deserves more, what the hell kind of question is that? If you have a cow and a chicken, who deserves to be eaten first, and don't give me any of that, "I'm a vegan" stuff, unless you're a vegan, I guess. Then you can marry the cow and make the chicken your best man. Or marry the chicken and make the cow your maid of honor. Or, just walk away, abandoning both.
Again, with the childish bullshit. What kind of name is ChChoda, do you have a stutter? BTw, I never worked inside. I was always out and about, with the exception of the mechanic times, but never office bound. I see you are a joker, just coming to my thread to cause chaos. I rescind the offer of peace and again chime in to the tune of fuck ChChoda, with the stutter. Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes.


im niether blue or white collar...........IM POPPIN COLLARS!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
All managers do is shuffle papers lol. I would explain to you why managers make more med, but Im sure you already know the answer. If you owned a business would you pay the guy sweeping the floors the same as the guy who actually manages the business? No, not unless you want your business to fail within a week.


Well-Known Member
Look little man, I gave up on rich long ago. I see some things good in Obamas agenda, but am now becoming a critic, as I don't see him doing my bidding. I'm sure each of us has a differing view on "Rich". Mine may be opposite of yours. If you think it is your mission in life to crush the common man and stomp on everyone you can to get to the top, then I see a lot of misery in your life. I was at one time primed to be in management, but after looking at the hassles, I said fuck this, I could make more by working a little overtime anyway. I was never one to kiss ass, and believe me, that is what management is all about, kissing the guy above you's ass while trying to stomp his ass into a mudhole and take his job, no thanks
Wh Wh Wh Wh What?


Well-Known Member
I was a white collar worker, for the VA ( Yep I worked for the Gubbermint) for about a year. Had to wear a tie and everything. I fucking hated sitting at a desk, now I am a blue collar worker and I get around the upper midwest quite a bit doing my job. Since i am the senior tech around and have twice as much time in as the next senior tech and 4 times what the junior guys have, I often get selected to take care of all the details. Usually that means the paperwork, and the management of others. I still hate it, but I have to do it. Luckily for the most part I try not to carry a whole bunch of responsibility..thats the office guys job. Its more stressful to be in an office all day, and its more physical to be out on the road working with your hands. I like the physical part of my job, keeps me in good shape, while the office guys can't even lift anything over 50 pounds and have to watch their diets, and have heart attacks and are in general poor physical shape.

Blue collar..Physically harder, less pay, less responsibility, less stress
White Collar..More stressfull, unhealthy, Sedentary, more pay, less physical work, more authority, more responsibility.

The corporate world is ruled by the bottom line, period. That is the only way to run a successful business.


Well-Known Member
Blue Collar, I'm going back to work Hauling Salt Water from oil field tank batteries.
I pull about 120 BBLs per load.
The job has a lot of responcibility but no one breathing down my neck.
I've done White Collar work as an IT Professional, the work was easy but there was someone always trying to rush you.

Blue Collar work and White Collar work is what you make of it.
But to be honest, I make more money hauling the water.


New Member
I've done both. Both can be ball-busters. Either one can pay more than the other.

The entire arguement over blue vs white collar is nothing more than sour grapes, jealosy and class warfare.


Big P

Well-Known Member
yes, ive also had both and they both suck, i just naturally gravitate to the one that earns me the most money, so that one day I can finally stop working all together and have more time to spread my seeds across the land

oh ya but lets just go with the op request. ill go first:

Office Worker

on economy and defense im conservative

on social issues im liberal mostly

except for law / justice i say more executions less excuses:bigjoint:

but the fact is most people vote with thier wallets

and the bloodsuckers know this,

so the republicans waive around tax cuts every election

and the demoncrats waive around entitlments every election

so it is indeed probably a fact that people making less would vote more democrate leaning than people making more whom would tend lean more republican.

i think thats how they control us

how can we stop this schmorgessborg? i want some cake too if everyones gettin some!

you ever fed a stray cat? how come a tame cat starves where an alley cat would thrive?

i dont think a bunch of tame cats is gonna cut it

gonna need the alley cats one day but they will all be gone by then. went off to take care of themselves

then it will just be a bunch of tame cats starvin to death wondering why they have sharp teeth.:hug:


New Member
I've done both. Both can be ball-busters. Either one can pay more than the other.

The entire arguement over blue vs white collar is nothing more than sour grapes, jealosy and class warfare.

Maybe it was just my experience, but it always seemed that the white collar dudes had to suck ass a lot more. Lots of office politics and when the big man showed up, lots of shaking in their boots, uh, make that Birkenstocks. When I worked out in the field, all I had to do was my job and no-one fucked with me. I was pretty much always the boss in any blue collar job I had and I always treated my employees as I would want to be treated, like men. Do the job you are being paid to do and You'd have no problems from me, yeah, I've had to fire a few, not a pleasant task at any point, but necessary sometimes. I was always in the good graces of my employers because I made them money. If we ever had a major disagreement. I would walk. There was always a demand for the type of employee that I was. These days, the pickins are slim, I'm glad I'm retired and don't have to compete in the job market any longer.
Blue collar rules.


Well-Known Member
I get irritated with the white-collar types at my work, and we are treated pretty unfairly sometimes. For example, the manager at my shop was made a manager because of one reason: a little piece of paper that he hangs on the wall (a degree). Nevermind that he knows absolutely nothing about the products that are being made by the people he manages, or that his degree isn't even relevant to the field he's in, (it's a BA in psychology; we work in a manufacturing plant.) and he's horrible with people and organiztion in general. Yet, he gets WAY more vacation than anyone else, a much better salary, and of course, authority over pretty much anything in the building. It's no fluke either, he's been the boss for over a decade now.

Day after day when I build things I find errors in the blueprints that engineers never catch. Often they'll send us blueprints that are flat out physically impossible to build. Despite the people in the shop correcting these problems, the white collar folks upstairs never catch shit for their screw-ups because a) we fix them, and b) the big boss refuses to talk to workers on the floor; he only speaks to white collar upper managment types. He doesn't do it because he happens to work somewhere else, he literally avoids us. If I were to screw something up, I hear about it REAL quick. There's a definite bias to one side.

Don't get me wrong, you can't do without white collar workers, but the blue collar workers are the ones who make civilized life possible for everyone, and I think that today that is horribly taken for granted. White collar workers wouldn't have their precious high-paying degrees if a lowly blue collar worker never built the building they got it in.

My 2 cents.


Active Member
Im green collar. Seriously, I wouldn't class myself as either. Isn't it time to look outside the box?


Well-Known Member
I get irritated with the white-collar types at my work, and we are treated pretty unfairly sometimes. For example, the manager at my shop was made a manager because of one reason: a little piece of paper that he hangs on the wall (a degree). Nevermind that he knows absolutely nothing about the products that are being made by the people he manages, or that his degree isn't even relevant to the field he's in, (it's a BA in psychology; we work in a manufacturing plant.) and he's horrible with people and organiztion in general. Yet, he gets WAY more vacation than anyone else, a much better salary, and of course, authority over pretty much anything in the building. It's no fluke either, he's been the boss for over a decade now.

Day after day when I build things I find errors in the blueprints that engineers never catch. Often they'll send us blueprints that are flat out physically impossible to build. Despite the people in the shop correcting these problems, the white collar folks upstairs never catch shit for their screw-ups because a) we fix them, and b) the big boss refuses to talk to workers on the floor; he only speaks to white collar upper managment types. He doesn't do it because he happens to work somewhere else, he literally avoids us. If I were to screw something up, I hear about it REAL quick. There's a definite bias to one side.

Don't get me wrong, you can't do without white collar workers, but the blue collar workers are the ones who make civilized life possible for everyone, and I think that today that is horribly taken for granted. White collar workers wouldn't have their precious high-paying degrees if a lowly blue collar worker never built the building they got it in.

My 2 cents.
But who designed the building, financed the building, and paid the blues their cashola for agreeing to put up the building?


Active Member
I worked as everything from a janitor to a machinist for 20 years and then was given a polo shirt computer clickin' job. The pay is great, but I miss working with my hands. It's wierd. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence I guess.

Both sides think the other is better off in some way or the other. I just hate the mentality that one is better then the other.

I work at a desk and I still think the managers are over paid. Everyone has someone to manage them.


New Member
Any manager worth his/her salt knows that the life-blood of any organization is:

1. The customer.

2. The Employees.

Good managers treat the good employees like gold. They also know that good employees are more motivated when surrounded by other good employees. That's why good managers fire the bottom 10%.



Active Member
Sounds good. I wish I worked in a company you ran HR in.

HR has become lawsuit protection.

They have turned their backs to the companies most valuable asset. The people.

Just me 2 cents.


New Member
Any manager worth his/her salt knows that the life-blood of any organization is:

1. The customer.

2. The Employees.

Good managers treat the good employees like gold. They also know that good employees are more motivated when surrounded by other good employees. That's why good managers fire the bottom 10%.

The theory is good, but it isn't as succinct as that. You cannot judge people on a percentage plateau. How do you judge the bottom 10%. There are employees that don't do their jobs and those are the ones that need to be fired, but to rate the work force on a percentage platform is draconian.


Active Member
Not really.

IF you work one a machine it has a cycle time. Is it wrong for a company to do the math? It is wrong for them to not be fair with the formulas. ut, let's be honest. The companies pay us to put out work. Should they pay all workers the same?

If most of the work force is able to do X amount of work is it fair to them if the company keeps the people that do way less than X? It you do that then those that produce will not work as hard and those that don't produce will have no motivation to ever produce.

I hate numbers as much as the next guy, but you can't just award employees that happen to like. You have to reward those that benifit the company the most.