If they are spider mites which I am pretty sure they are, and you are also in the veg state, you need to spray down your leaves top side and bottom side really good with either Fungicide 3 ( there are other products too) which is a fungicide, insecticide and miticide, which you can get at Wal Mart or Lowes. You will have to do this every few days for a couple of weeks, or at least I would to first kill the parents and then kill the hatchlings with the latter spraying to make sure.
Or you can get Volck Oil Spray which will kill the parent mites and also the eggs. Don't stick your plant under direct light with either of these. I would also rinse off the plants with regular 6.5 pH water about 15 minutes after you have sprayed them down to kill the mites.
When you are done with that I would also dip them or spray them with Neem Oil to make sure nothing can eat through your leaves again. Be sure to spray the tops, bottoms, branches and soil with whatever you choose to use.
Regardless of what you use, you will also need to make sure and spray bomb your grow room on the inside. They sell organic spray bombs. It is a nightmare to have these little fuckers! If you do not get rid of every one of them they will multiply within days. The best defense is a good offense. Don't go into the room after you have been out in the yard without a shower and change of clothes. Wash your hands always before you touch the leaves. If you touch one leaf with mites on it and touch another one you will get mites on the other plant. Don't let the leaves of one plant touch another so they can't travel from one plant to another and also just my opinion, don't grow them outside and then bring them back inside. Do one or the other. And that is about all I know about the lil bastards.

Good Luck!