White Berry Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
oh yeah - i like - but it looks like i'd need to get a new fan too!

i made my bed and need to lie in it awhile. i'd get CO2 before i'd get a cooltube (at this point).

I know this is old, and off topic, but I wanted to get other peoples views on this reflector. I was looking into one of these and the more I looked at it, the more it seemed it would not cool any better than my second choice the sun system 2. The air does not flow straight through like a cool tube, but still flows down into the reflector. Maybe Im wrong is it just a cooltube with a reflector built on the outside???????? I cant get the picture to show up but its the one loudblunts refered to on page 7. thanks


Active Member
this is a fuckin shit grow diary this u should be on a fuckin chatline not a grow thread 47 pages wat i waste of time