While out looking at a potential new spot I stumbled upon someone else's.

@ky man hails from a very different part of the US. It's a part of the US that a majority of people here will never see and most likely never understand unless you've lived it. In his neck of the woods that's the livelihood of a lot of people. There's not a whole lot to do there as far as making a living. Most people have some sort of hustle. The sad part is that it's mainly gone to pills and other crap that destroys people.
His mindset is as old as the beginning of the prohibition era itself. It has one hell of a history. And a damn bloody one to boot. The prohibition era hit his home probably the worst of all. Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia it was a dog eats dog world during alcohol prohibition.
From that you have generations of people born and raised up into and through a culture that revolves around contraband. Contraband that's spanned several different incarnations and generations. You can survive or you can thrive sort of thing. Step back and tell me you'd prefer the alternative. The coal mines. Or some menial job where you just survive and little else.
Some of the best people I've met on this planet hail from Ky. Beautiful place, lovely people and by god some of the best looking and sweetest women on the planet.
But crossing them would probably be the last thing I'd do. It's a different world.
On a side note check out a movie called Lawless on Netflix. It's a good dramatization of the prohibition era. And if that doesn't do it for you then there's some awesome car porn there.

Im from Virginia an I still would rather someone find it then the Cops find it an set up game cams an watch my every move to try to catch me so they can throw the book at me an to me its just weed an to me thats not worth a life just saying no matter how big the profits may be at the end of the day we all come from nothing an will take nothing back with us just sayin
With all due respect @MonkeyGrinder a lot of us see your explanation for what it is.
But KY said it himself ....he would kill at the first cut of the bud
There might be prohibition and contraband history (im an aussie but well versed in american history) but that doesnt give someone the right to blow someones head off at the first sight of someone cutting a bud..page one quotes this.

It is what it is. I live in KY. I've been shot at for coming across patches. People will hang treble hooks around their stuff, build pungy pits, all kinds of booby traps. Is it justified?

All I have to say is, its a pot plant. No one needs to die over it. I also hate a thief and it wouldn't break my heart if we had one less.
Yeh some brothers nearby killed some rippers last season, they are still locked up while everyone is getting ready to grow again. Mon bet they regret it now, mon hates theives too but now they ain't gonna be growing for a long time!! Gota be smarter than that!!
It is what it is. I live in KY. I've been shot at for coming across patches. People will hang treble hooks around their stuff, build pungy pits, all kinds of booby traps. Is it justified?

All I have to say is, its a pot plant. No one needs to die over it. I also hate a thief and it wouldn't break my heart if we had one less.
What do the trebles do? Snag ur eye?
What do the trebles do? Snag ur eye?
That would certainly be tough to push through and cut the barb. Ouch
That's the really painful way to do it - this works much better, and it's almost painless.

Wow. Ouch! Shit that's proper cringey!
Although, I have to say, anyone who has so much as a malevolent thought about my girls right now would deserve it. I wouldn't kill someone for like, stumbling across them accidentally but we're four weeks into flower and I'm feeling very protective of them. Don't be touching my buds man, come around in a few weeks and we'll all take them down together, have a smoke and that, but I think I could cheerfully maim anybody that came near them right now with the intention of causing any damage :peace:
I would give her all the roses, if she ask first but if she did not ask first.i would just tell her to leave.

you sure made this a fun read ...
killing our own speices is frowned upon ..even a total peice of shit theif an ytou have to live with the memorie. but shoot anything else and you get a pat on the back an to stuff it :)
So to all those that say they would do no harm to their fellow man, what would you do IF you caught someone red handed?

That is more interesting and quite frankly more disturbing. I can put 2 and 2 together on the "if you steal from me I'll shoot your ass". It just makes logical sense. That's one of the big reasons I don't take what doesn't belong to me. That and I was raised right. So no, I'm not going to shoot someone over weed, but I can understand why a fella would. Taking things that don't belong to you, wherever they are, in the woods or in someone's house, is low down and dirty. People have been getting hurt or killed for this exact thing since Adam and Eve. That was God's fruit and he smiled them for taking it. All I'm saying is don't bash KY for his hypothetical just actions. He's not the one STEALING!

Would you at least fuck em up real good?
What do the trebles do? Snag ur eye?
Or jugular vein.

They do this shit on public lands. I've come across all kinds of stuff. I always dismantle the traps.

If I'm on public land and find pot, I leave it alone. If you got traps, I'll tear the traps down and chop your plants and leave them on the ground for you. I take my kids hunting and would hate to see one hurt or killed from a booby trap.
So to all those that say they would do no harm to their fellow man, what would you do IF you caught someone red handed?

That is more interesting and quite frankly more disturbing. I can put 2 and 2 together on the "if you steal from me I'll shoot your ass". It just makes logical sense. That's one of the big reasons I don't take what doesn't belong to me. That and I was raised right. So no, I'm not going to shoot someone over weed, but I can understand why a fella would. Taking things that don't belong to you, wherever they are, in the woods or in someone's house, is low down and dirty. People have been getting hurt or killed for this exact thing since Adam and Eve. That was God's fruit and he smiled them for taking it. All I'm saying is don't bash KY for his hypothetical just actions. He's not the one STEALING!

Would you at least fuck em up real good?
Dude, taking one bud from a gorilla grow, you are actually doing that person a favor as it's not hidden good enough and you just took a trivial amount. It also serves a purpose to encourage dipshits that are lazy and grow 50 ft. off trail to go somewhere else.
Growing on your own property or in your house is a whole different ball game, you are entitled to secure and protect your property. Outside, gorilla style on public land, somebody finds your plants - you fucked up. Jokers growing on public land and using guns, fish hooks, booby traps or whatever are idiots and only more likely to get caught for a more serious crime than growing herb.
that's the plan,i have used hooks on my property :bigjoint:
You know you can be charged for that even if the other person is doing something illegal.

I really hope you don't do that. There are many reasons why an innocent person might be on your property.

That's the really painful way to do it - this works much better, and it's almost painless.

That sucks. You know what sucks worse? A hook stuck in bone.

A buddy and I were running trot lines. I sink mine with weights and tie small floats to keep it off the bottom but not come to the surface. Keeps people from stealing your fish.

We were working a line and on longer runs we would use a small anchor or concrete blocks. My buddy had set one on the bench beside him and knocked it off as I had a hook in my hand. It jerked everything back in the water and sank a hook into my finger.
35+ years ago when I was in college, a cousin found a patch while out pulling gophers. A friend of mine worked with him, and heard him telling the story. The location was close to our hayfield, so my buddy, BIL {not the same one I have now} and I went looking for the patch. My cousin had marked the trail with a tore up coke case, so it was pretty easy to find. There were 4-5 plants, from knee to chest high. Thinking it would be good to let the grower know his patch had been found, we topped all the plants.

And it being such a small world, my BIL's band played a gig at the grower's bar the next weekend, and they got to talking about the found patch. Meanwhile my buddy had gone back and stolen the plants. The bar owner/grower always thought I was in on that, and didn't really care for me from then on.

Later that year, after I had left for the Navy, my buddy stole my BIL's plants too. He was just a thief, and it took him stealing from my family for me to cut loose from him.
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Another story, this one a little funnier. Another of my cousins had a plant growing about 75 yards from his house. His half brother was staying with him that summer, and he had buried a hand grenade tied to the roots. It being Florida, we had a hurricane blow through that fall. You should have seen us hunkering down every time the wind would get to ripping. After that I never wanted to booby-trap my plants.