No, never heard of it. My net works really well though, and I can usually salvage it between grows. I use nylon Mason line for the net. Its really durable, and stretches tight.Looking good, ever used jo-jo´s as a supplement for the nets?
That's cool! Maybe I'll go this route. What I really want to do is have two nets, but stringing up another one's a pain! This might be a great alternative!Nets are great yes, thinking about using one this time in my closet, anyways here a picture of the jojo...View attachment 4320183
I was trying to look these up, but wasn't finding anything relevant. Can you post a link so I can check them out?Looking good, ever used jo-jo´s as a supplement for the nets?
Does anyone know the actual gallons this 27-gallon tote holds? I'm trying to guess the number of gallons for my nutes/pH. Is there a way to determine the number of gallons, besides the obvious "pour n-gallon containers of water one at a time and mark the levels"?
If your still wanting to know how to calculate h20 volume per your container..take total volume % container height =
Then you take container height minus netpot height or water level height=...
Then you take that last number x by the 1st so like the 27gal containers with 8" net pots
Gal 27. Height 15" 27%15=1.8gal per inch
Net pot 8" is 5.5" container 15 so 15-5.5=9.5
9.5x 1.8=17.1gallons...and depending on size of pvc 2 or 3" it's about 10% add and theres your water level the measuring tape too is a good idea if it's a absolute must....I never really go by gallons on nutes anyways since everyone is so half ass backwards on how much too use company wise..I go by ppm and p.h and has done just fine for me esp with rdwc
I'm thinking that the 2" pipes and 3 of these totes, filled to that level, would be around 80 gallons. Around the third week of veg, I usually drop the level around mid-way.
That's a great net you built. Mine is a little more simple, in that, I have my pvc ziptied to the posts, directly. The frame adjusts up and down very easily. I do sometimes put up my second net, but I waited a bit too long, and ran out of space. I usually use the second net to support the buds. But these branches are still pulling the hell out of the net, trying to reach the light. They aren't having any issues supporting those budsInstead of buying hundreds of yoyos and them being everywhere why dont you do a adjustable layered scrog net 2 or 3 layers and problem solved very easily.....View attachment 4320646
I hear ya LOL! I'm going to have to start doing that!Looks good mate, maybe a tip on trimming, I know to each their own, but I have always found it nice to trim all the small buds first hence they are the most tiresome to trim, which then leaves me with only the big buds to trim and they are always fast and easy to trim. A nice way to end ones trim cycle...
Yep, that's called a "waterfall", and is one of the components of an "Undercurrent" DWC. I'm pretty sure it was @rkymtnman who did the DO comparisons. But the waterfall by itself isn't enough to provide DO to the center of the root balls, once the roots get really dense. This is especially true for the plants at the end of the chain, where the current is the weakest. Even though the water may have plenty of dissolved oxygen, the roots can still drown or rot. So, along with the waterfall, you need to have a water pump powerful enough to circulate the total number of gallons in the system, 12 times/hr.At one point while doing DWC I got sick of air-pumps and air-stones and remembered a test a guy who owned a o2 meter did with all the "common" type of air-stones they had. What he found was the highest D.O. was when he poured the water into the bucket. So I used a small water pump and some tubing so that the water was constantly getting poured into the rez. It worked wonderfully. Was actually pretty silent too.