Which way should I plant the seeds in the aerogarden??


Active Member
I have messed up in the past on my aerogarden and I am about to re-grow and hopefully it will work out this time...

My question is which way should I insert the seed when I plant it?
Root facing up twoards the light, or root facing down into the dirt?

Remember I am asking this about the aerogarden, which uses brown cubes that look somewhat like dirt.

& How deep should the seed be in the cube?

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
I have messed up in the past on my aerogarden and I am about to re-grow and hopefully it will work out this time...

My question is which way should I insert the seed when I plant it?
Root facing up twoards the light, or root facing down into the dirt?

Remember I am asking this about the aerogarden, which uses brown cubes that look somewhat like dirt.

& How deep should the seed be in the cube?
I put my seed near the surface of the sponge, about as far down as the original seeds in the pod. And as everyone else has mentioned, the taproot needs to be facing down. This helps preserve the seed's energy, so none is wasted trying to rotate the root downward.