Which to buy, ROI-E680 VS SF4000 Grow Light.


I've been told the roi-e680 is the better choice of the 2 lights. Just wondering if anyone could explain to me why that is, I've researched both and am not quite sure I understand why. Would be very much appreciated thank you. Also if any of the diodes stop working do both of the lights have to be fully replaced or can they be repaired?
I e been growing with strips for almost 2 years now and I’ll never go back to boards again. Too big of hot spots with boards, I can get within inches of my strips without much issues.
It's interesting, I've been getting my best results under LED to date using my boards more like strips. I have acquired a ton of boards over the years (mostly QB288 v2 and rspec) and I've got enough to completely cover a canopy with them, running soft at about %60 of full power and super close to the tops. almost perfect coverage. totally wasteful way to accomplish it, but it was a way to use my over abundance of lights to replicate what I am seeing from the people using strip lighting.
I had the Roi-E680 and had to upgrade, common issue with this light is the light bars will flicker. Once you then turn off the light one light bar will stay partially lit. I upgraded to the E720, it was better built! If you are in that ball range price wise. Maybe look into Scynce LED