Which tent to buy

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
i am sorry i keep forgetting ppl are not like me i think way to much and rem even more
the human body uses up 8% of the oxygen per breath when we exhale we are creating CO2 a form that plants like .....(not the waste co2 that the plants make when lights are off but the good Co2 that the plants can use for power)

Co2 is a heavier gas it pools up in oxygen and nitrogen .....oil and water (oil being the oxygen and water being Co2 )
ok the tent is not a perfectly sealed area .....but it is sealed enough with negative pressure allowing cool Co2 to pool up in a larger amount then the outside (the Co2 will say low and pool until converted or IR heat is transferred causing thermal exchange (hot gases raise) ..........that is the Fresh air the Fresh Co2 that is drawn in for the plant to use

as for the house it self yes dumping that much air outside changed the air exchange in your house it no longer static ......the outside air comes in all paths open to it (ac/heat vents cracks in the door crack in the window cracks in the framing of the house the attic vents on the side of the house ) travles the path of least energy to find balance in the pressure change u are causing

but still that air is under going treatment ........we are breathing it altering the mix of gases in the house
as i said before i have a 440 cfm i live in a split lvl house with 2 ppl only ......i have a ppm set for the alt i am at i know what PPM i am getting naturally (i am midway up a valley i know the guy at the bottom gets better then me )
but the tents are made of fabric plus you have an exhaust. How it it sealed? You said its not perfectly sealed but isn't it a fact that the tent isn't sealed at all? It's made out of fabric you can't even suffocate someone with it.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
When people with closed rooms use co2 they turn off their exhaust fans. Because co2 is heavier and it does stay low.. but please believe an exhaust van will suckit up.. If you turn it off it will escape the fabric. Pumping co2 into a tent useless. Nobody does that..


Well-Known Member
but the tents are made of fabric plus you have an exhaust. How it it sealed? You said its not perfectly sealed but isn't it a fact that the tent isn't sealed at all? It's made out of fabric you can't even suffocate someone with it.
all my info is based off own personal exp
here is the tent design

notice how each port has 2 6 inche drawl strings ......look that the passive intake the fact it velcrow ....look at the zipper with the black flap over lapping

all those things in with maintaining negative pressure on the tent ..........think of a fish bowl with small holes and air always being sucked up the water will not leak out if the pressure is strong enough (little air bubbles come in trying to equal that pressure not allowing the water to flow out)

apply this to the tent .....if u can get the intake to about 2/3 of the exhaust power then u still have that 1/3 extra power holding in that CO2 ........true it does not allow u the total 180 mins of use that 1500ppm of co2 offers .....but it does increase the co2 ppm compared to outside the tent in the house and the house is already 2 or 3 times the natural Co2 outside


Well-Known Member
When people with closed rooms use co2 they turn off their exhaust fans. Because co2 is heavier and it does stay low.. but please believe an exhaust van will suckit up.. If you turn it off it will escape the fabric. Pumping co2 into a tent useless. Nobody does that..
really it is not
u are naturally increase the rate in the tent ........if u do the math to fill a tent with Co2 becomes cheaper even with the fact it is venting out u can set on a low flow rate keep the tank going for longer

and u can even augment that with natural co2 producing items ......like mushrooms or brewing beer/wine/moonshine

i started my orginal experiments with mash buckets of shine .......they could raise the tent to 1700ppm for 5 days then give me 2 gallons of 140proof i can make 160 bucks on


Well-Known Member
@mr sunshine
cheap crap tents u are 100% right now worth the effort it will just leak out

but those 2 makers ....in doing theirs like they did for the light proofing and smell proofing ....gave us this option
a 20 lb tank on a 5x5x6 tent at 650ppm to get to 1500ppm i need a flow rate of 0.3 cfh every 15 mins once a hour .......is 24 days on the tank

for flow rate it accounts for natural lvl

for time on a 20 lb tank or 5 gallon propain tank on a burner

use the numbers from the first to the second .........u will see what i am talking about
the numbers do not lie

oh the final bit

the tank is 28.50 to exchange ........so that is 1.18 a day .....now that is for 4 plants in a 5x5x6 so 30 cents a day per plant to add Co2
1.18/4= 29.6 so round up 30
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