Which Tent Kit is Better


Begining of April I will be getting a little bit of money. I wanna cut the cost of my smoke. SO I wanna grow my own. Because of this money I can get a tent kit. I happen to like the LED because of the cop situation. But not sure the light is good enough in this kit. Even though I assume I could add some CFL lights to the LED.

So what do you all think? Below are the kits.



Anyone know a better kit. Looking for $500 or under. I need a kit because I am a dummy at building things. SO need something container, with all the fans, parts it needs. I will have the money around the first week of April. And if I don't get it ASAP, will spend the money on other things. LOL. SO fast answers are appreciated.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
I would go to amazon and buy a tent off there. They are less than 200 dollars. I would also buy a light off there. I wouldn't go led but that's just me, the have 600 watt cool tubes light kits with everything you need to start for $170 so it would cost you less than $400 for everything. If your on a budget and you wanna get the best bang for you buck amazon all the way. I wouldn't go with led because the nice ones that work well are $800+ just get a 600 watt mh/ hps and save some money for other things


Active Member
amazon is the best bet for alot of things, i jus about purchased everything except my soil from there, and i saved a few hundred dollars.. go with the HID Digital MH/HPS lights

4x4 tents unde $150
1000w HID under $300 or 400-600 under $180 - i bought the apollo and has done me right since
ph pens, ph kits, and any nutes or watever you need buy from amazon save urself all the money you can



Well-Known Member
I have spent almost around $2500 on amazon and if I woulda went to te hydro shop it would have been $4000+ lol amazon is the shit , I've bought 2 apollo light kits and they both work amazing, except for the timer it comes with! That thing is junk lol


Well-Known Member
out of the two i would go with growace looks better the only thing different id get a bigger tent like a 4 x 4 for 20 dollars more or try peicing together one through amazon and see which is going to be cheaper


Well-Known Member
i bought 2 secret jardin d120 tents off amazon. got free shipping also. 4'x4'x7

nice and very well built. they do NOT come with the mylar floor. so i lined the floor with white panda film (10'x10' for 10.00)


Well-Known Member
You're gonna have to setup either way.. Check Virtual Sun. Don't get a crappy fan. 6" is good. Moving air is good. Just look at folks pics. Its easy to setup as long as you have power. You can see by the "kit" pics on how to do it. I like MH/HPS switchable. Magnetic ballasts are cheaper and usually have long life. Get a cooltube or enclosed hood. Nutewise..General Organics Go box is cheap and forgiving.
Again it is not hard to do.


So what would be better, a 600 or 1000? I picked some from virtual, like you said. Does teh fan come with teh kit? What size tent would I need? And how many plants?



Thanks for the help. I have grown outdoors, but never inside. I really need to keep it 500 or below. If I get either of the above, that is 280 already. I also worry on how much this heat/wattage will hurt me police-wise. On my side, I am a loner and no one ever visits me. At least the inside.

Would I need this---
