Which System Would Be The Best


Active Member
K Fellas Please Help Me Out. I Got An Extra Room In My Place And Want To Start Some Sort Of Grow Opp. What Would Be The Best System And Setup For 1 Room. I Lost My Job So I Got Time To Get A Setup Going. Also Can You Guyz Give Me An Idea On A Setup With The Quickest Turn Around. I Ve Bee Hear Ing About Some Octagon System Can You Guyz Tell Me Anything About That. Any Info Would Be Much Appreciated I Really Need Some Money , Repo Man Trying To Get My Car. Sucks. Thanks Guyz


Well-Known Member
sounds like you should be focusing on other things instead. Wait till you have your feet on the ground. Then you can play.


Active Member
Have you grown before? If not you may be looking for too complex of a system, and you want cheap in case you don't like it. If you really want to do this look around the forums for systems and so on. It's all here. Take the time to really understand what you need to know to grow. Then head to Hempdepot and WeedMart. They have everything you need to start. They have high wattage CFL's. Tubs for DWC. Air Pump and Air Stones. Or you might feel more comfortable with soil. There are too many options to list. And sorry to say, if you need money it takes about 3 months to turn profit. Sorry.
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Active Member
ive grown back in the day . and i do know that it takes a few months to get going im not that new. i just know that with technology now what would be the best system with the quickest turn around. i already have a couple 600w hps lights with ballasts. before i used soil. but would like to try something else other than soil. also i want to know more about the use of florescent tubes. and hey green horn you dont know my situation so if you got know good advice do reply. im lookin for people that wanna help. any more advice from you guyz would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
get your self some $10 double air pumps, aquarium hose and air stones from weedmart along with some 8" tall x 2' x 3.5' plastic storage containers and some duct tape. Then head to hempdepot for some hose, a couple of fittings, a valve and some aquarium sealant. Get all that put together then off to the hydro store to get the rest.


Active Member
hey smoker, my boy want to damn near give me a omega wheel. said it cost in about $6k he wants only $2k think i should take it or is that just a pain in the ass. cause im lookin around and seems to be not the best of opionions ive seen. whats your opinion. or just stick with the other setup.


Well-Known Member
I haven't used one, that's above my budget... From what I have seen of them and heard other people talk about them they are pretty f'n cool. That is by far the best way of utilizing your space/ yeild. I'll bet you could talk him down a bit further seeing as to he is probably done growing. $1500 and it would be on... Do you know what size light he has with it?


Active Member
im gonna find out what size light. honestly he wants a favor from me so i bet that i can pay once i get the money. i live in an apartment bro does that sound crazy for me to put it in my spar room


Active Member
im gonna look into it. i think that omega that he wants to give me holds like 300 plants though. thats gotta be big. that newer one that holds 80 plants wood have been better. i just talked to another buddie who has 3 600 hps with ballasts just sittin in storage he said i could use them just give him a lil kick back. i think i might go that rought instead of that omega. i have not heard anyone say any great things about it . and have not heard of any yield amounts


Active Member
If you are looking for cash crop, I would forget fluorescent lights. The fastest I have ever gotten done, 47 days on a 56 day grow. To do this I use a room with great ac (no need to vent out co2), a co2 generater, 1000w light/w cooltube, and aero in a single cola grow.

That being said, my father which grew for 27 years got a Omega a couple of years before he passed away. It was still really new tech. He had one 1000w bulb in it, and he averaged 2 and a half pounds a grow. The reason it isn't higher is because the plants stay short so less room for bud, and because it is a circle the plant tops grow close together so light has a hard time reaching the bottom leaves and bud. If you do get it only put in 150 plants, not the full 300. It is way too over crowded and your yield drops. My dad found out the hard way. Also do some testing before you buy. My dad had to send his first one back because the wheel stopped turning when the two wheels that meet get wet and all his plants died at day 42 of flowering on his first grow. It has been a while so I am sure they have worked out the problem by now that made his stop.

I get about 2.75 ponds in my aeroponic system. It is 5ftx5ft with mylar stands so I can move them to get to the plants and put them back around my system so it is like it is in a 5ftx5ft room in a bigger room. Otherwise 1000w light wouldn't cover a 5ftx5ft system very well. I use 4 in PVC tubes that hold 65 plants all together. I grow single cola 9in apart. The how to is in the GrowFAQ. Now for the bad of the system. If you lose power for 30 min's and you can't get the plants in water, they will probably die because there is no water or medium to hold water (the Omega uses rockwool). You need a back up Generater.


Well-Known Member
GO with your buddys 600 's get a water farm 8 pack they have them for$275 now and it is easy to work with. grab the new jabar grow tents start with a 5x5 so you can conseal every thing no light leeks or Ir fly buys.your biggest thing with hid lights is keeping it cool.your half way there just because you have the lights.if you use 2 -600 you wil need 2 vortec fans.you want the 440cfms there $200 a piece but it keeps themed iced if not it will be a constant battle with temps.so 2-5x5 tents which are $300 a piece 2-vortec fans which are $200 a piece and a waterfarm for $275 so a total of 1275 which will turn you a nice profit,one tent for veg and one tent for flowering.you constantly keep it flipping.it sounds expensive but its not .imagine 2 more lights at full price,your stoked you have a buddy willing to make a deal.lets get it rolling.


Active Member
so im gettin from my boy 3 600 watt hps setups now i just need to figure how im gonna go about the system to put the plants in any recommedations. i also got a big filter from him also so no odor,