Which should I choose?? Many plants or 1 big


Active Member
Hey guys whats up. I have a little issue. My first grow is on its way right now in a good sized ace trash can. I have 110 watts cfl lights all together. (125 if I put in my other).

The issue is that I want to be able to harvest again after this A.S.A.P. And I need to know what would be faster, Option 1: Another big plant by itself, vegged 3 weeks then flowered. Option 2: 4 or 5 small plants grown with very short veg stage if any.

Which would yield faster? I can start the small ones on my window now so when I harvest in 6-8 weeks they will be about 8 inches or so, but with another big one I really cant start it because it is going to be winter here and there isn't enough light to veg on window.

Any ideas??


Well-Known Member
sounds like you answered your own question. aside from setting up another separate veg chamber, you are confined to the small plants.


Active Member
well.... do you think if I had a few stable enough window grown plants that it wouldn't matter so much if I just threw them back in veg after my harvest? I don't know how that would affect them because I kind of did the same thing with my current one and its growing great right now.


Well-Known Member
if something worked for you before i would be eager to repeat the same process when i find success. aside from that you should look into getting an hps for flowering and then you could use your cfls for veg and have more consistency and control.


Active Member
I would get an hps but I forgot to mention this is a stealth grow and it already gets pretty hot in there with cfls (I know its crazy). So hps would pretty much make temps over 100 guaranteed lol. I love cfls. When I move on to bigger better grows I will definitely get a 400 watt hps. Thank you for your reassuring words you gave me the confidence I needed! :)


Well-Known Member
You cant veg a plant after a harvest. Start new ones now, and do enough so you have 4 or 5 females. Try to flower them after 10-12 days of veg, that'll give you the right nug density for that wattage lamp. If you vegged one plant for 3 weeks it'd likely be too tall and then the light cant penetrate the bottom too well with your lights and it ends up being fluffy airy nugs.

Hope this helps


Active Member
You cant veg a plant after a harvest. Start new ones now, and do enough so you have 4 or 5 females. Try to flower them after 10-12 days of veg, that'll give you the right nug density for that wattage lamp. If you vegged one plant for 3 weeks it'd likely be too tall and then the light cant penetrate the bottom too well with your lights and it ends up being fluffy airy nugs.

Hope this helps
You misunderstood what I said. I meant I will throw the plants from the window sill (that I grow during the current plants flowering stage right now) into the same grow space from which I harvest my fully matured plant in 6-8 weeks. I did not mean for it to be taken the other way but its all good just clearing things up.

Also thank you for the input. I did just start flowering today with my plant I vegged 3 weeks but she is only 8 inches tall I dont think height will be an issue I had the cfls VERY close and they will continue to be. Also stretch was avoided by using 24/0 lighting. What you suggested sounds just like what I had in mind so once again thanks very much!


Active Member
you most certainly can re veg a plant that has been flowering , even after a harvest . and start the process over.


Active Member
you most certainly can re veg a plant that has been flowering , even after a harvest . and start the process over.
thats what I thought but I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. lol I was like "well maybe you cant re veg just re flower??" Oh well actually that brings up another question I have been wanting to ask. How fast is the re vegging compared to my other two options?? If anyone doesn't mind answering.


Well-Known Member
I just dont see a reason to take a plant and chop it to hell then stick a bunch of stems under 18 hours again to reflower it later. Its much safer for pests and mold and plant stress to just grow a clone or new seedlings during the middle of your flower cycle to have something to toss back in a flower room each time.

8" is good for 3 weeks under your conditions.... It'll certainly be ready for you when you begin flowering. Just clip those two bottom branches and take clones from them too right when you start flowering.


Active Member
I just started flowering today actually. About 6 hours ago I turned off the lights and I'm leaving them off for 18 more hours to trigger flowering. Then I will start the 12/12 with the cfls no more than an inch away. There will be plenty of light penetration because I have 5 of them hung all around and above all sides. I am so excited I just started flowering my first indoor grow!