Which one do you preffer between GREAT WHITE SHARK, AZOS,MYCOS WP to use in supersoil and WHY?

I am using mykos xtreme but I saw no difference between it and GW. Also have used generic white label mycorrhizae from Amazon; plants do not seem to notice any difference but my grows without added granular mycorrhizae we’re pitiful in comparison. Kratos is right; fungi needs to be in contact with root systems to work. I dip my clones in a shallow cup of myco just before transplant to soil; if you really want it to stick well dip the roots in aloe first then the myco before covering with soil. Juror posted this method on here long ago and that’s how I’ve been doing it. Works very well. You’ll definitely see how they thrive later on when the fungi starts to “bite.”
I premake the hole and spray mist it with water so the Mykos sticks better, and throw Mykos all around the hole. Then mist and coat the shit out of the roots of the plant and put in the bigger pot. But your method sounds good too.
Omg I found it so fast, I just needed the right keywords from that article Here you guys go, looks like the program did continue!!! https://www.oregon.gov/oda/programs/pesticides/fertilizers/pages/reportspublicationsforms.aspx Okay, it's under "Reports and Guides" scroll down and look for the "micro 2015" results, then look for your product in there. Great White had 53 propagules/gram when the label guaranteed 365 p/g. OG Biowar-TOTALLY BOGUS. Advanced Nutrients Pirannha-COMPLETE BS. See what I mean, even one I've used recently which is from Ecological Laboratories was crap product, and it smells like someone captured Satan's farts in a bottle-I figured that's a good sign something was alive in there but NOOOOO. Okay, those were the results I've seen before, now let's check on those brands five years later.

2020 Micro Report-TRIBUS...my current brand....contains 7 billion live bacteria vs 14 billion claimed-this is for Tribus Bloom which they just discontinued due to the supply crisis, economy, all that good stuff. This is actually the highest amount of TESTED bacteria I've seen in a product so far.

Aaaand guess what? Those companies that participated in 2015 refused to have their products tested in 2020. I'm sticking with TRIBUS for sure now. I'm going to put this info in my main thread and follow up on it later today, I want to comb through all the micro tests listed there. Good luck to you all! You have to be an educated consumer in a Capitalist system that places profits over TRUTH, health, and safety. Be sure to call out any company in this report that has been ripping you off for years, not that it matters unless you go viral or something lol.

No surprise that these companies are just flat out lying about their products. I wouldn't pay a dime for any of them. I only use microbes for my outdoor plants and garden. I just breed my own using a couple potatoes, some leaf mold, and a handful of sea salt. Once it's brewed up a five gallon bucket can be diluted to make 30-40 gallons. Plus you get more diversity than those commercial products.



Dynomyco for the win. Blows competition out of the soil. Plants love Dynomyco superior Mycorrhizae
Honestly - DYNOMYCO is the real deal - if you haven't had the chance to try it out, now is the time!

I went to order from your shop, but you do not ship to Thailand.

I went to order your product from Amazon.com, which delivers some products to Thailand if they sell them and are warehoused by them (I think), but your product is not available that way either. I was able to buy one of your competitor's products via Amazon Global a few months ago.