............what is it with people and the boiling water....
water IS NOT needed...
...why would you want to add water to that for cooking?!?! the water does nothing except, imo and others i know, make it lesser quality than with just straight butter.
Ok, I just *had* to register to address the above comments about using water when making your cannabutter.
First, it should be noted that, (from what I've previously observed
many times) this procedure has been done in a double boiler w/ the material left to simmer for about 1-2 hrs... (one of the reasons I initially came here was to learn other's opinions on cooking length, dbl boiler vs. crock pot, ratios, etc.)
Now I *could* be completely wrong here, but I believe it is worth noting in this thread. When comments like the one quoted above are made with SUCH staunch certainty, I feel obliged to share.
From what I understand, the purpose of using water when preparing cannabutter, is that while the fat-soluble goodies migrate into the heated butter, other, less desirable compounds, (NOT soluble in fat) will end up left in the water. This is then placed in the fridge overnight to allow the now THC-infused butter to separate from the gunk-infused water. In the morning there is a bright green "butter-frisbee" floating atop a quantity of dark, greenish-brown yuck water.
Omitting the water in your preparation process, keeps the aforementioned "yuck" in your final product.
This results in a far more palatable & overall *cleaner* end-product... especially if your starting material is of the low-quality, commercial, "brick" variety... which could contain pesticides, residuals from whatever was in the ground water, growing medium, etc.
The only problem I could possibly see with this method, is that you've only extracted the fat-soluble alkaloids, thus it is not the "full-spectrum" of plant alks in the butter. This would be a problem for me in-particular, if other CBNs & CBDs have an affinity for water, rather than fat... (though I'm pretty sure that all the goodies are fat-soluble only).
Again, I am stating the above
as I understand it. I am
not stating this as fact, though from my research it does seem to make sense. However, if I am
at all off in my thinking or concept here, please, I would love to hear any feedback... as the whole reason I came to this board was to further educate myself on this process, specifically.
Thanks for all the good stuff you guys have shared on this board... (I've been lurking for some time now) figured it was high-time I registered & threw in my 2.
Just Say *KNOW*