Which is worse for a flowering plant...dark 3 hrs early, or 1 hr late?


Well-Known Member
Long story short, I can either put it into dark 3 hours too early, or 1 hour too late.

My guess would be early darkness would be less stressful.


Well-Known Member
i agree...i'd go with the 3 hours early too
Yeah, I have to physically move the plant when changing to dark too, so I can't have the lights on a timer, and just having a family member kill the lights in the room could lead to a light leak.


Active Member
My "buddy" goes 6 hours early with great results and no stress, the last grow my "buddy" did, 12 plants sexed in two days. 9 of 14 females.

in veg 12 o'clock to 6 a.m. in dark. in flower 6p.m. to 6a.m. in dark.

you should be fine with 3