I want to breed BC Blueberry and a purple strain I have. Which is the most dominant the male or female? I want the awesome growth of the blueberry but color of the purple strain. So I want the blueberry to be the dominant one.
In other words, its a process. You'll have to flower the first generation, choose the colors and representation you're looking for, and start a second generation. Keep on and on till you get something you like.
thats what I kind of thought but you guys are the experts so it was worth asking rather than just jumping blindly into it like other people do. I like to do things the proper way and make sure I dont shortcut anything and end up wasting time.
What's up 214!?!? Just make sure you keep labeled cuttings of all your seed borne plants so you know which one to mother once the phenotypes express. don't try to wing it; you're a stoner & we don't do well with such things from memory.