which is easier


Well-Known Member
I grow in soil usually however after having done some research it seems hydro or aero may be the way to go I have narrowed it down to 2 setups and cant figure which would be better for me. Aeroponics using filthyfletch's 30 min aero setup which seems easy to set up and build. Also looking into DWC which seems simple and very effective. The question is being broke, and aside from research, being completely cluelss in hydro growing. which of these would be recomended? I am looking for faster growth and less space than soil growing. Another question I have is do i need to do anything to these organic starter plugs i bought at the hydro shop? I am doing what the guy at the shop told me to but the couple of clones i put in them are pretty sad looking while the ones in soil look like they should? thank you any help would be qppreciated


Well-Known Member
dwc is the best in my eye read the grow faqs all you need to no is right there ps you will love hydro over soil the plants grow way faster and the bud is more potent


Well-Known Member
if ur Iooking for cheap and easy i can say dwc im a expert at hydro i know what to stay away from Iike aero. i use sog ebb n fIow wit rockwooI because its easy and when power goes out when hurricane season comes i'II be safe for a few days. But since you are worry about space you can do a sog with the dwc simpIy by using 30 gaI tubberware from waImart. peace!