Which is cheaper - Nikolai vodka or home made beer?


Well-Known Member
My buddy was thinking about brewing beer to save money. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy half gallons of cheap vodka though, in terms of the amount of alcohol you'd get per dollar?

I *think* a half gallon of 100 proof Nikolai is $15. 1 gallon would be 50 proof, 2 gallons 25 proof, 4 gallons 14 proof.

Question is, can you make more than 4 gallons of drinkable beer for $15? Your going to need $6 just in sugar, plus grain, hops, yeast... maybe a buck or two in electric / gas to boil all that water...

Not going to count bottles, which alone would crush the price of Nikolai.

And I'm not even sure Nikolai is the cheapest liquor, just the cheapest I'll drink.

So - does brewing make sense? I think the show moonshiners has kind of 'made up' brewing / moonshining being anything more than a hobby.