Which ferts for soil?

Mr Minger

Active Member
I bought some HESI SOIL ferts...

I started useing the TNT @ 1/2 the recomended rate from about 3 weeks old... The plants just got more & more yellow.

I decided to switch to the full rate & within a couple of hours the plants (5 of) started to wilt & one had totaly kealed over! Burned the roots?

I rinsed the soil through with fresh water & staked the really poorly plant upright with a scewer. They sorted themselves out within a day.

I then fed them with Mirical Grow (as I did with my last batch) and they have since grown fantasticaly! (continuous light - 3-4" growth/week).

I Plan to use Levington tomato feed for the flowering stage.

Hopefully they were not too stressed & become male (as they tend to under stress)

Has anyone else had any probs with Hesi Soil feed? I have decided that it is too salty & not enough available nutrients.

Personally, I can't recomend Hesi Soil feeds...

I use 2.5ml of Mirical Grow (1/2 a teaspoon) per 2l of water & give about 200ml/day as required.

I only grow for personal use, maybe it is different when used on a larger scale... I can't see why it should do.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I, and a lot of people have had very bad experiences using mg. There's a reason why they call it miracle burn. That said, many people have used it with fantastic results as well. As my grows progress, so do I. If u use the mg, just be damn careful, a lot of mg's stuff is time released, meaning it releases the nutes when u water. So if u use it, be patient, use small amounts, and wait for the results before adding any more, it's super easy to burn. Personally, I've moved on to the organic type ferts, though not the high dollar stuff, they work a lot better for me, and no burning. For veg I use Dr. Organic's 3-3-3 to get em goin. I just switched to Alaskan morebloom 0-10-10 for flowering, and my girls seem to love it. Be sure to ph any ferts u use, organic ferts tend to be acidic.

Mr Minger

Active Member
Thanks RJ,

I use the soluble MG now (pretty much instant uptake)... I usually only grow upto 5 plants at a time.

I use 2L coke bottles, & feed for 1 bottle & then water only (sat 4 a day 2 release chlorine) for 1. usually about 2-3 days each cycle.

Feed & flush - feed & flush.(feed & dilute!)

I'm no expert in weed growing yet. But educated in agriculture and worked for an agrochemicals co. for 4 yrs, so i have some knowlage of plant growth.

I would kill for one of the grow rooms I used to work in, just dial in the lighting - temp - watering & humidity... and away you go! WHEN I WIN THE LOTTERY!!!

Attached are 2 pics of my current crop... not the most impressive, I admit. The three @ the back were sown 1 week b4 the 2 @ the front.

Week 6 - 1 week flowering. I swithched to HPS from MH @ 12/12 this time & still can't sex plants. I left on MH B4 & could sex the plants within 4 days!

2nd Pic is @ week 5 (from planting seed). B4 I switched 2 hps.

All the best... MR M.

