Which breeder has the best sour diesel?

If you can track down an original cut of AJ's sour Diesel. However, Loud Seeds have also worked an Selfed line of AJ's or several generations. I've actually heard it's dead on or slightly better than AJ's.

If you want something that smells like you actually poured gas all over the place, Med Man's West Coast Sour Diesel is the best. It's also known as Kerosene kush for a reason.

Best of luck.
rez stock is old if you find any and hermie prone.
CC has Original SD x SFV OG
Connoiseur has a OSD called fuel
I heard RP's is not real sour d but never tried it.
Hortilab has a bunch of crosses and they use rez ECSD so does connoiseur.
i been looking at Karmas Headbanger wich is SD x HA OG - heard great things about this one.
personally i would go with cali connect or karma
Hmmm, interesting you mention Fuel. The only Fuel I know was developed by friends in southern NY near Bristol/Naples in the late 90's - early '00's

...aand it's the real NYC Diesel (before Soma watered it down, or whatever he did, that makes it fall short) x Cotton Candy...aand I still have it, and myriad offshoots I've created since then

Most recently With the Cherry Pie to make Cherry Fuel

Even found a pic of a piece20220523_050402.jpg
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