Which Aquatec pump to reach 130 PSI?


Well-Known Member
Im needing a new pump for my HPA system. Ive been using espresso pumps and running my accumulator tank between 115 PSI and 140 PSI max.

The problem is these solenoid pumps are noisy, and now it is failing after about 8 months of use.

The problem Im having is the only Aquatec pump listed on their website that goes over 80 PSI is the 12 volt, 1 GPM 5853 series of pumps - but I cant find any for sale with all the other features I want. Most of the places selling these pumps show model numbers that are not on the Aquatec website and/or the spec sheet shows lower max pressure of around 70 PSI.

Their manuals suck and dont really say anything about adjustment ranges.

I see most folks are using 6800 or 8800 series pumps - but none of the specs sheets on the Aquatec site show those pumps going over 80 PSI.

What am I missing? Can ALL of the pumps be turned up and operate ok at higher pressures than the spec sheet shows?

I will be using my own external pressure switch, so I dont need or want the Aquatec switch. By the way - there are NO switches shown on the Aquatec site either.

Anyway - any help appreciated.
You're probably gonna need an air compressor for that. If you want quiet get a rotary screw compressor.
Thanks, but Im pumping water, not air :)

Im not hung up on quiet so much. Budget is a big factor. Most folks running HPA systems are using the Aquatec pumps. Its just that the specs dont match up to the real world use.
Does it need to be aquatec and what specs are you looking for.
I'm not familiar with aquatec range
The pressure is factory set at 80psi but you can adjust it. Aquatec pressure switches arent the best, buy a dwyer CXA series switch instead ;)
If noise isnt an issue i would recommend 12v dp160. mine has a fair bit of mileage on the clock, 100% reliable and not that expensive. You do need a decent 12v supply or battery to handle the surge current on start up.

edit: Had to check when i actually bought it, june 2012, almost 7 years. mine is technically a Propump DP-160, but i guess the same pump different brand/label
Not sure how big your accumulator is but the flowrate averages around 4LPM. Charging a 100L accumulator from 80psi to 140psi takes about 8 minutes, the pump barely gets warm.
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The pressure is factory set at 80psi but you can adjust it. Aquatec pressure switches arent the best, buy a dwyer CXA series switch instead ;)
If noise isnt an issue i would recommend 12v dp160. mine has a fair bit of mileage on the clock, 100% reliable and not that expensive. You do need a decent 12v supply or battery to handle the surge current on start up.

Noise is a bit of an issue, but not a deal breaker. Im already used to the solenoid pumps which are noisy even when mounted on rubber bases, but less noise would make my wife much happier.

Am I understanding you that ALL the Aquatec pumps can be run at 130 PSI as long as you use an external pressure switch?

I already have the Dwyer CXA switch. Not the best. but it does work reliably, is cheap, and has a decent pressure range spread. Ive found that mine works much better with a pressure snubber. Thats probably because of the solenoid pumps pulsing.

I am tempted by those DP-160 pumps, but there are Youtube videos and they are at least as noisy as my solenoid pumps :) The price is sure tempting though.
I have a 8800 and a 6800, the 6800 is quieter (almost silent) but i wouldnt say the 8800 is loud I guess its subjective ;) I use the dp 160 to manually charge the 100L accumulators so noise isnt an issue, I dont have pressure switches or pressure relief valves on the tanks because the pump isnt connected unless i`m filling one. If the pump is controlled by a pressure switch it could potentially fire the pump up at 3am, with a small accumulator it could be every hour ;) I prefer large tanks and manual fill because i can add as much or as little as i need to the tanks, pressure switches dont have that kind of flexibility..
Am I understanding you that ALL the Aquatec pumps can be run at 130 PSI as long as you use an external pressure switch?
The output pressure is adjustable, external pressure switch will make no difference. They bypass at the set pressure which is why they dont come with onboard pressure switches ;)
I run the 8855 which is rated at 135psi and a 6800 on drain. Started with standard RO accumulator, but it tops out at 100 psi. Now running 150psi accumulator with 135 psi pump and works great. Pressure switches are adjustable as well.
Dont bother with those cheap white RO accumulators (made in taiwan). Spend the money on a good quality accumulator..the bigger, the better imho.100L.JPG
Atom, your manually charging your accum to 140 from 80? Are you running a secondary compressor then or how long is that charge lasting. Trying to see how your avoiding a pressure switch. Wouldn't your output psi just deplete?
yes manual charging so no pressure switch or relief valve required. I hook the 160psi pump up to whichever tank needs charging and physically disconnect it when its done. The tank psi depletes as nutrient is used the same as any accumulator. A 100L tank holds 40L of nutes 80psi- 140psi and i have 3 of them so they dont need charging very often. If you use a small accumulator you`ll have to use a pressure switch because they wont run that long.