Where's The Proof LibOffice of Mendocino Country Sheriff doubled their mrulism Works?

left to their own and market forces, they will correct themselves with minimal damage. thats why cutting taxes and getting the fuck out of the way is always the best remedy. get govt out of the way and let consumers figure which services, products etc, that they and their family need and are willing to pay for.
You are the one who harbors misconceptions, sir.

Austerity and tax cuts are not the answer. We are in a liquidity trap, in which the banks aren't lending, businesses aren't investing and consumers are saving rather than spending. This is the exact scenario in which non interventionalist monetary policy is ineffective - therefore the government must spend to spur growth.

My evidence for this is Japan's "lost decade".
So only progressives invent things that modernize our lives? Really? I am 100% positive that great inventors come from any and all walks of life, not just the liberal sect. You really outdid yourself this time pops.
Uhhh........., invent things?? I'm sorry, I didn't mention inventions. What I was talking about, and your playing dumbass knows, was the allowance of human interaction regardlass of Monetary status by depleting the onus on wealth and class warfare, and making the human condition the priority, not the individuals priority. Would the wealthiest among us be expected to share their wealth to make the least of us a little better off, hell yes. The first and most important thing to address will have to be population. Birth control for the masses. I'm thinking that mankind will probably diminish the population on their own with a little global thermonuclear war, that would not surprise me in the least