Where's the best place to open a dispensary?

So I've heard different things about opening a dispensary. First of all, I have a few questions for those of you who really know! I've been doing some research and obviously cali comes up as the #1 place. Is it realistic to try to open a new dispensary or have they pretty much stopped the opening of new ones?
California, Colorado, Michigan to name a few.

It isnt impossible to get a license for a dispensary in cali, had a buddy who is opening one up in LA area as we speak.
Biggest problem with opening a dispensary is you have to take into account that it is always possible, as has happened in the past weeks, the feds will stand outside and arrest your clients, then basically shut you down. It's a fairly high risk venture in a lot of places.
a lot of lame exclusionary rules exist now and i am afraid that there will be more - right now Brown may choose to sign two bills - one makes dispensaries stay 600 ft away from 'residential and residential use zones' which pushes clubs (marijuana cooperative, collective, dispensary, operator, establishment, or provider) to the edge of town in the industrial zones.. the other allows counties to ban dispensaries and collectives on a permanent, no-appeal basis..
So I've heard different things about opening a dispensary. First of all, I have a few questions for those of you who really know! I've been doing some research and obviously cali comes up as the #1 place. Is it realistic to try to open a new dispensary or have they pretty much stopped the opening of new ones?

I would say Delaware, since they are the most recent to legalize, however it is only approved for dispensaries, hence why it is my answer, also for this reason, it is a dominate market place being on the east coast... 2¢
they shut down lots of the socal clubs. it went from something like 900+ clubs in LA area to under 200. Most of the places that stayed open are the ones that have been open for a while. Seems like a seniority kind of thing.

So it is very possible to open a club in Cali i just think ull have so much damn competition that it wont be easy. I am in the works on starting a delivery service, not that many of those yet.
if you are asking this question here, then you have not done enough research to really be serious about the idea. do more research about what you want to do and the answer will become apparent to you.
To answer your question you have to look at the local municipalities. Even in California and Colorado there are some cities and counties that are very conservative and dont like dispensaries. However there are other ones that are very lenient. CA, WA. CO. are probably the top 3 most lenient states- but there are cities in other states that have a proliferation of these.

What Id recommend is you check out the free videos we've made available to everyone about all this. Once you understand your states laws, you will have to find a city that will allow you to do this.

For example if you watch this video below we did on Colorado


its very different from say California or Washington.

Check em all out and you'll get all the info you need.

Join our webinars and ask all your questions to attorneys for free if you still need help. There's no strings attached. Good luck my friend!