wheres the best and most reliable place to get your seeds from?


New Member
any idea when the Heavy duty fruity will be available?
We were going to discontinue TH Seeds in favour of Sagamartha, but havn't yet decided whether we'll keep TH or not. Do you think it's worth keeping? HDF does seem fairly popular..

:lol::lol::lol::lol: W.T.F??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:.what are you going to do with 20+ different strains???.
We've had people order 50+ strains before. I'm guessing it's just to stock up, otherwise it's a monster grow room!


New Member
We were going to discontinue TH Seeds in favour of Sagamartha, but havn't yet decided whether we'll keep TH or not. Do you think it's worth keeping? HDF does seem fairly popular..

We've had people order 50+ strains before. I'm guessing it's just to stock up, otherwise it's a monster grow room!


Active Member
Hey, just wondering. I have been having a hard time locating a legit banks that even ships to the USA. IO really like the idea of pick and mix but they plainly state that they do not ship to the US ????
Anybody have any advice ???


Well-Known Member
id maybe give it a shot (superskunkxnl)
i come from oz and i got mine came but nirvanas didnt like i said earlier (just buy a small order n c)
(my verdict is pick and mix is good tho)
vcsdave may be able to answer your questions "sorry bro"
hes full of info and all that :) (your a top bloke dave):)

also to VCSDave y dont you just keep both :)
"that would be pretty cool how can a seed shop supply too many seeds??"

and yes i would one day like ta own my own little souvineer shop one day
thats my dream

"but remember i live in a dream world everything i say is fiction
its all in my head.... this is my dream :)."


New Member
The only reason for discontinuing them is because of stock. Because of the way we do things, we only like to keep the more popular strains in order to ensure our stock is as fresh as possible.

I'll have a think and let you know if HDF returns!


New Member
Yeah, there's plenty of others! How about this... if you're looking to order now/soon, then go ahead and order everything else you'd like, then if/when we bring the HDF back, we'll let you have free postage on it?