where's finshaggy poll

where is finshaggy

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Why is everyone mad at him
Its not anger really. It's just the guy is a scam artist and thinks he knows what he's doing but it appears he doesn't.(and refuses to acknowledge any help or advise) Did you take his advise to grow with halogen lamps too?
^ That's part of it, I've seen him insult people who are playing nice and not even bothering him, dude is a dick.
^ That's part of it, I've seen him insult people who are playing nice and not even bothering him, dude is a dick.
I read his grow thread
I really just want to see what happens to his plants
I never saw him be mean to anyone that didn't get mad at him first for not following their advice.
Actually, for all his surface pigheadedness, the guy does show sparks of genius. He is using this site in blatant disregard for its no-soliciting policy, getting folks to generate traffic for/in his awesomely interstitial media empire, and getting away with it. He is truly a 21st-century entrepreneur, and everyone who responds to him is helping. Jmo. cn
Actually, for all his surface pigheadedness, the guy does show sparks of genius. He is using this site in blatant disregard for its no-soliciting policy, getting folks to generate traffic for/in his awesomely interstitial media empire, and getting away with it. He is truly a 21st-century entrepreneur, and everyone who responds to him is helping. Jmo. cn
For some reason he's in that group of people that are allowed to use this site for solictation. It has to be because he generates some much activity out of sheer trollism. (Yes I just made up that word.)
I never saw him be mean to anyone that didn't get mad at him first for not following their advice.

You haven't been here that long, and it's hard to read deleted threads and posts. That is if you're not a sock puppet, seems kinda strange that you just happen to come out of the wood work after Fin got the hammer and you're taking up for him. I've never seen you post anywhere other than his threads either.

I apologize in advance if this isn't the case.
Actually, for all his surface pigheadedness, the guy does show sparks of genius. He is using this site in blatant disregard for its no-soliciting policy, getting folks to generate traffic for/in his awesomely interstitial media empire, and getting away with it. He is truly a 21st-century entrepreneur, and everyone who responds to him is helping. Jmo. cn

i completely agree cannabineer, and have said pretty much the same things you just did.. i used to enjoy trolling fins threads, but realized it was me who was playing his game and decided against that and haven't really posted in any of his threads in a few weeks.. it's not the easiest of things to do, let me tell you, but why on earth should i, or anyone else who thinks he's an idiot, continue to post in his threads and feed into what he wants??
all he wants is google hits, and that's exactly what people who continue to post in his threads are doing for him... imvho, simply ignore him and he'll go away sooner or later..
Blue what do you mean I always see long time posters praising him. Oh wait no I don't. It's always someone that is less than 6 months in time here.
You haven't been here that long, and it's hard to read deleted threads and posts. That is if you're not a sock puppet, seems kinda strange that you just happen to come out of the wood work after Fin got the hammer and you're taking up for him. I've never seen you post anywhere other than his threads either.

I apologize in advance if this isn't the case.
I live with Fin
Sonetimes when we smoke he talks about this site
So I joined to read some of the stuff he was talking about

I really don't see what he did to piss all you guys off so much
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