Where's everone from?


Well-Known Member
redneckville, cowtown....the northern continent, western hemisphere
and you sure show who the "red necks" are.........
But yeah, for those of you, if interested, PNW is Pacific North West---as in WASHINGTON STATE USA---SEATTLE? You know; where it rains every day of the year and you rust........your plants mold..... the best kept secret in the world IMO--and I 've been around a bit!
So any locals around here...????on here?? I have the bomb WFSS harvesting now(just one plant that has about a gr on it)hehhehehheh........dont I wish.... shoot me a line:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You think those are stinky cities? I urge you to come to Hamilton, Ontario, haha! I live about 1 Mile from 2 steel refineries and about 1/2 Mile from a sewage treatment plant. On days when the wind is blowing just right it'll make your eyes water, hahaaa.

P.S. moving back to London, Ontario in a few weeks and starting a complete LED grow room just to see the results. I'll start a thread when I get er started. Toodles.