Where's a legit place to get mushroom spores? Need for medical experiment


Well-Known Member
I need psilocybin spores to grow asap. I've seen people on here grow them so how do you get started?

I saw on national geographic a guy using them to treat cluster headaches which are really similar to my trigeminal neuralgia I'm having brain surgery for in a week. He only has to eat them once every other month to relieve his symptoms...

I won't have time to try these before hand but would like to see if they do anything afterwards if I still have pain.

If you go to 31 minutes: [video=youtube;LjteSZu_JqM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjteSZu_JqM[/video]


Well-Known Member
Try Free Spores
They come through in about 10 days, and have good spores.

It's been known that mushrooms have properties that combat migraine, cluster, and shotgun headaches for quite some time. If I recall correctly they also do help in pain caused by brain lesions and brain tumors. They helped with my migraines after my TBI, so they should help, if you're still having headaches after surgery.


Well-Known Member
Try Free Spores
They come through in about 10 days, and have good spores.

It's been known that mushrooms have properties that combat migraine, cluster, and shotgun headaches for quite some time. If I recall correctly they also do help in pain caused by brain lesions and brain tumors. They helped with my migraines after my TBI, so they should help, if you're still having headaches after surgery.
Yeah that shit pisses me off...I never heard of any pain relieving effects until last night and I've been in agony for 1.5 years with neuropathic pain. I'm having brain surgery on Apr 15 a week from monday to attempt to relieve my pain but it's 50/50 odds and a really serious surgery. I'd have loved to have tried mushrooms months ago. I take all kinds of nasty drugs to block pain pathways in the brain.